java - Store and Restore previous userinput texfield -
i have 2 textfields can input user , used calculation later (number only), lets inputx , inputy. , 2 radio button, rad1 , rad2.
when user choose rad1, both textfiled input-able user , stored memory/variable when user input in it. when user choose rad2, only inputx available , inputy inputy.settext("inputx only"). if user choose rad1 back, want restore value user input inputy previously, not showing "inputx only".
so, question is: how get previous value userinput when user choose rad1 back, since its has been overridden rad2 inputy.settext("inputx only") ?
please create full code example possible/alternative code, i'm new in java.
note: im using netbeans v8.0.2 , create form using built in form builder/designer
public class inputvalidator extends javax.swing.jframe { private static final string input_x_only = "inputx only"; private string temp = ""; public inputvalidator() { initcomponents(); jradiobutton1.setselected(true); buttongroup1.add(jradiobutton1); buttongroup1.add(jradiobutton2); jradiobutton1.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { @override public void actionperformed(actionevent ae) { jtextfield2.seteditable(true); jtextfield2.settext(temp); } }); jradiobutton2.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { @override public void actionperformed(actionevent ae) { jtextfield2.seteditable(false); temp = jtextfield2.gettext(); jtextfield2.settext(input_x_only); } }); }
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