python - TypeError: start must be a integer -

i trying draw 5 turtles, getting typeerror on line 25. here code:

import turtle  wn = turtle.screen()  redrose = turtle.turtle()  color = input("what background color be?") fillcolor_f = input("what color of rose be?")  redrose.hideturtle() redrose.speed(30)  redrose.penup() redrose.left(180) redrose.forward(175) redrose.right(90) redrose.forward(30) redrose.right(90) redrose.pendown()  def drawrose(red):      redrose.color("pink")     redrose.fillcolor(fillcolor_f)     redrose.fill(true)      in range(red):         redrose.forward(i)         redrose.right(49)     in range(5):         drawrose(redrose)         redrose.penup()         redrose.forward(350)         redrose.right(144)         redrose.pendown()      redrose.fill(false)   drawrose(50) wn.bgcolor(color) 

i trying draw 5 roses, produces errors. doing in

you recursively calling drawrose wrong parameter. on line 23 (for in range(red):) expect red integer, it, when first called on line 36 (drawrose(50)). on line 27 (drawrose(redrose)) passing in redrose object, turtle. not clear me should pass in there. doubt want call recursively. suspect want function drawpetal.


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