fpga - Verilog Serial to Parallel Conversion -
i having problem converting serial input external device, parallel input xilinx spartan 3e fpga.
first module turns serial parallel, , second outputs first bit of po
(parallel output) led. of right after checking on scope signal coming out of led following serial input , not retaining value of po[0]
module spi_logic (c, si, po, notcs); input c,si,notcs; output reg [15:0] po; reg [4:0] cnt; @(posedge c or posedge notcs) begin if (notcs==1) begin cnt <= 4'b0000; end else if (cnt <= 5'd15) begin po[cnt] <= si; cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; end else begin cnt <= cnt; end end endmodule module spi( input clock, input notcs, input [15:0] po, output reg led, output reg sinusoidal, output reg [11:0] dac_hi, output reg [11:0] dac_lo, output reg [5:0] blank_time, output reg [5:0] blank_time_bcm ); @(posedge notcs) begin led<=po[0]; end endmodule
after checking scope external device works correctly. when notcs high no data sent , clock off, when notcs low device starts clocking data in.
serial input.
parallel output.
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