How to get subscriber count and videos count for a given YouTube channel? -

until i've been using url retrieve subscriber count channel:<channel_id>?v=2&alt=json 

and url channel videos count:<channel_id>/uploads?v=2&alt=jsonc&max-results=0 

but day google discontinued using it's v2 api , can't find replacement options data.

you're going want use channels/list endpoint pass in statistics part parameter.


http get:{channel_id}&key={your_api_key} 

response (with id=uct7ivnjwjbsof8ipljhctgq):

{  "kind": "youtube#channellistresponse",  "etag": "\"dhbhldw5j8dk10gxev_ug6rsrem/wnxxcvyctyqtjtn9slj5tovjbry\"",  "pageinfo": {   "totalresults": 1,   "resultsperpage": 1  },  "items": [   {     "kind": "youtube#channel",    "etag": "\"dhbhldw5j8dk10gxev_ug6rsrem/jijtua_iwn2kv9arnqeawnacq6i\"",    "id": "uct7ivnjwjbsof8ipljhctgq",    "statistics": {     "viewcount": "796662",     "commentcount": "20",     "subscribercount": "257",     "hiddensubscribercount": false,     "videocount": "126"    }   }  ] } 

you can pass in comma-separated list of channel ids id parameter. because passed in 1 id, first object of items array have values need. object subscribercount , videocount values in statistics dictionary data want.


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