ios - Render dynamic text onto CVPixelBufferRef while recording video -
i'm recording video , audio using avcapturevideodataoutput
, avcaptureaudiodataoutput
, in captureoutput:didoutputsamplebuffer:fromconnection:
delegate method, want draw text onto each individual sample buffer i'm receiving video connection. text changes every frame (it's stopwatch label) , want recorded on top of video data that's captured.
here's i've been able come far:
//1. cvpixelbufferref pixelbuffer = cmsamplebuffergetimagebuffer(samplebuffer); //2. uiimage *textimage = [self createtextimage]; ciimage *maskimage = [ciimage imagewithcgimage:textimage.cgimage]; //3. cvpixelbufferlockbaseaddress(pixelbuffer, 0); cgcolorspaceref colorspace = cgcolorspacecreatedevicergb(); nsdictionary *options = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobject:(__bridge id)colorspace forkey:kciimagecolorspace]; ciimage *inputimage = [ciimage imagewithcvpixelbuffer:pixelbuffer options:options]; //4. cifilter *filter = [cifilter filterwithname:@"ciblendwithmask"]; [filter setvalue:inputimage forkey:@"inputimage"]; [filter setvalue:maskimage forkey:@"inputmaskimage"]; ciimage *outputimage = [filter outputimage]; cvpixelbufferunlockbaseaddress(pixelbuffer, 0); //5. [self.rendercontext render:outputimage tocvpixelbuffer:pixelbuffer bounds:[outputimage extent] colorspace:cgcolorspacecreatedevicergb()]; //6. [self.pixelbufferadaptor appendpixelbuffer:pixelbuffer withpresentationtime:timestamp];
- here grab pixel buffer, easy pie.
- i use core graphics write text blank uiimage (that's
does. able verify step works; saved image text drawn photos. - i create cgimage pixel buffer.
- i make cifilter
, setting input image 1 created original pixel buffer , input maskciimage
made image text drawn on it. - finally, render filter output image pixelbuffer.
created beforehand[cicontext contextwithoptions:nil];
. - after that, append pixel buffer
appropriate timestamp.
the video that's saved @ end of recording has no visible changes i.e. no mask image has been drawn onto pixel buffers.
anyone have idea i'm going wrong here? i've been stuck on days, appreciated.
- (uiimage *)createtextimage { uigraphicsbeginimagecontextwithoptions(cgsizemake(self.view.bounds.size.width, self.view.bounds.size.height), no, 1.0); nsmutableattributedstring *timestamp = [[nsmutableattributedstring alloc]initwithstring:self.timelabel.text attributes:@{nsforegroundcolorattributename:self.timelabel.textcolor, nsfontattributename: self.timelabel.font}]; nsmutableattributedstring *countdownstring = [[nsmutableattributedstring alloc]initwithstring:self.cdownlabel.text attributes:@{nsforegroundcolorattributename:self.cdownlabel.textcolor, nsfontattributename:self.cdownlabel.font}]; [timestamp]; [countdownstring]; uiimage *blank = uigraphicsgetimagefromcurrentimagecontext(); uigraphicsendimagecontext(); return blank; }
do want below?
instead of using ciblendwithmask
, should use cisourceovercompositing
, try this:
//4. cifilter *filter = [cifilter filterwithname:@"cisourceovercompositing"]; [filter setvalue:maskimage forkey:kciinputimagekey]; [filter setvalue:inputimage forkey:kciinputbackgroundimagekey]; ciimage *outputimage = [filter outputimage];
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