excel - Type Mismatch error -

i have below code giving me run time error 13, type mismatch on line "if ws1.cells(i,13)="yes" then" column (column m) contains either blank cells, or "yes". i've tried redefining "i" string, , didn't change anything. goal every row "yes" in column m, entire row copied on second sheet named "output". error appreciated, open other ideas may suit goal. thanks!

  sub sadface()   dim ws1 worksheet: set ws1 = thisworkbook.sheets("trades")   dim ws2 worksheet: set ws2 = thisworkbook.sheets("output")    = 2 ws1.range("m65536").end(xlup).row   if ws1.cells(i, 13) = "yes"   ws1.rows(i).copy ws2.rows(ws2.cells(ws2.rows.count, 2).end(xlup).row + 1)   end if   next    end sub 

it sounds if have manually removed errors external data. if bringing data workbook operation repeated on regular basis, may wish automate it.

sub happyface()     dim long     dim ws1 worksheet: set ws1 = thisworkbook.sheets("trades")     dim ws2 worksheet: set ws2 = thisworkbook.sheets("output")      ws1.columns(13)         on error resume next         .specialcells(xlcelltypeconstants, xlerrors).clearcontents         .specialcells(xlcelltypeformulas, xlerrors).clearcontents         err.clear         on error goto 0     end      ws1         = 2 .cells(rows.count, "m").end(xlup).row             if .cells(i, 13) = "yes"                 .rows(i).copy ws2.rows(ws2.cells(ws2.rows.count, 2).end(xlup).row + 1)             end if         next     end  end sub 

as try avoid use of on error resume next¹, expedient method of dealing range.specialcells method when not sure whether exist or not.

¹the concept of breaking see if exists has seemed plain wrong me.


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