spring - How to define TcpOutboundGateway bean in java-class configuraiton -

when i've tried define tcpoutboundgateway bean, found class doesn't have "requestchannel" , "replychannelname" setters. how can correctly define bean in java-class configuration?

which java-class configuration equal xml-configuration presented below?

<int-ip:tcp-outbound-gateway id="outgateway"         request-channel="input"         reply-channel="clientbytes2stringchannel"         connection-factory="client"         request-timeout="10000"         reply-timeout="10000"/> 

this code equal client xml configuration presented link.

public static final string string_to_bytes_channel = "stringtobyteschannel"; public static final string request_channel = "requestchannel";  private string host = "localhost"; private int port = 2020;  @bean public tcpnetclientconnectionfactory connectionfactory() {     tcpnetclientconnectionfactory factory = new tcpnetclientconnectionfactory(host, port);     factory.setsingleuse(true);     factory.setsotimeout(10000);     return factory; }  @bean public messagechannel requestchannel() {     return new directchannel(); }  @bean public messagechannel stringtobyteschannel() {     return new directchannel(); }  @bean @transformer(inputchannel = string_to_bytes_channel) public objecttostringtransformer objecttostringtransformer() {     return new objecttostringtransformer(); }  @bean @serviceactivator(inputchannel = request_channel) public tcpoutboundgateway outboundgateway() {     tcpoutboundgateway gateway = new tcpoutboundgateway();     gateway.setconnectionfactory(connectionfactory());     gateway.setreplychannel(stringtobyteschannel());     gateway.setrequesttimeout(10000);     gateway.setremotetimeout(10000);     return gateway; }  @messaginggateway(defaultrequestchannel = request_channel) public interface requestgateway {     string send(string message); } 


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