python - A variable in my code won't define properly -

this code maths program making high school. struggling @ moment because can't figure out i've done wrong, says sum1 isn't defined. if please take time go through code , sort out grateful.

my error on line: (line 130)

message_to_screen("what is: " + str(sum1) + " + " + str(sum2), black, -100, "medium")

do let me know if need clarify anything.


 # below importing modules need import pygame import random import time pygame.locals import *  # initiates pygame pygame.init()  # these defined colours white = (255,255,255) lightgrey = (200,200,200) black = (0,0,0) grey = (100,100,100) red = (255,0,0) yellow = (200,200,0) green = (34,177,76)  # sets display width , height display_width = 800 display_height = 600  gamedisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width,display_height)) pygame.display.set_caption('major league mathematics')  clock = pygame.time.clock()  fps = 30   easyvalues = list(range(10, 100 + 1)) mediumvalues = list(range(100, 1000 + 1)) hardvalues = list(range(1000, 10000 + 1))  # these set sizes message_to_screen definition smallfont = pygame.font.sysfont("arial", 30) medfont = pygame.font.sysfont("arial", 50) largefont = pygame.font.sysfont("arial", 100) menufont = pygame.font.sysfont("arial", 80)  # next 3 definitions define how text displayed def text_objects(text,color,size):  # 'if' statement     if size == "small":         textsurface = smallfont.render(text, true, color)     elif size == "medium":         textsurface = medfont.render(text, true, color)     elif size == "large":         textsurface = largefont.render(text, true, color)     elif size == "menu":         textsurface = menufont.render(text, true, color)      return textsurface, textsurface.get_rect()  def text_to_button(msg, color, buttonx, buttony, buttonwidth, buttonheight, size = "medium"):     textsurf, textrect = text_objects(msg,color,size) = ((buttonx + (buttonwidth / 2)), buttony + (buttonheight / 2))     gamedisplay.blit(textsurf, textrect)  def message_to_screen(msg,color,y_displace = 0,size = "small"):     textsurf, textrect = text_objects(msg,color,size) = (display_width / 2), (display_height / 2) + y_displace     gamedisplay.blit(textsurf, textrect)   def button(text, color, x, y, width, height, inactive_color, active_color, value = none):     cur = pygame.mouse.get_pos()     click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()      if x + width > cur[0] > x , y + height > cur[1] > y:         pygame.draw.rect(gamedisplay, active_color, (x, y, width, height))         if click[0] == 1 , value != none:             if value == "easy":                 easyvalues = list(range(10, 100 + 1))                 sum1 = random.choice(easyvalues)                 sum2 = random.choice(easyvalues)                 gameloop()             if value == "medium":                 mediumvalues = list(range(100, 1000 + 1))                 sum1 = random.choice(mediumvalues)                 sum2 = random.choice(mediumvalues)                 gameloop()             if value == "hard":                 hardvalues = list(range(1000, 10000 + 1))                 sum1 = random.choice(hardvalues)                 sum2 = random.choice(hardvalues)                 gameloop()             else:                 easyvalues = list(range(10, 100 + 1))                 sum1 = random.choice(easyvalues)                 sum2 = random.choice(easyvalues)                 gameloop()      else:         pygame.draw.rect(gamedisplay, inactive_color, (x, y, width, height))      text_to_button(text, black, x, y, width, height)    def question():     if value == "easy":         sum1 = random.choice(easyvalues)         sum2 = random.choice(easyvalues)     if value == "medium":         sum1 = random.choice(mediumvalues)         sum2 = random.choice(mediumvalues)     if value == "hard":         sum1 = random.choice(hardvalues)         sum2 = random.choice(hardvalues)     else:         sum1 = random.choice(easyvalues)         sum2 = random.choice(easyvalues)     print sum1     print sum2     print sum1 + sum2     print value   #here trying enable raw input user def answer():      answer = ""     font = pygame.font.sysfont("arial", 50)     pygame.draw.rect(gamedisplay, white, [200,250,400,100])       message_to_screen("what is: " + str(sum1) + " + " + str(sum2),                       black,                       -100,                       "medium")     input = true     while input:         event in pygame.event.get():             if event.type == keydown:                 if event.unicode.isdigit():                     answer += event.unicode                 if event.key == k_backspace:                     answer = answer[:-1]   # temporary, while program rest                 elif event.key == k_return:                     if answer == sum1 + sum2:                         message_to_screen("correct!", green, 0, "large")                     else:                         message_to_screen("wrong!", red, 0, "large")                 elif event.key == pygame.k_kp_enter:                     if answer == sum1 + sum2:                         message_to_screen("correct!", green, 0, "large")                     else:                         message_to_screen("wrong!", red, 0, "large")                    elif event.key == k_escape:                     pygame.quit()                     quit()             elif event.type == pygame.quit:                 pygame.quit()                 quit()           block = font.render("answer: " + answer, true, black)         rect = 210,280         gamedisplay.blit(block, rect)         pygame.display.flip()                  ## reference can code working  ##def name(): ##    pygame.init() ##    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((480, 360)) ##    name = "" ##    font = pygame.font.font(none, 50) ##    while true: ##        evt in pygame.event.get(): ##            if evt.type == keydown: ##                if evt.unicode.isalpha(): ##                    name += evt.unicode ##                elif evt.key == k_backspace: ##                    name = name[:-1] ##                elif evt.key == k_return: ##                    name = "" ##            elif evt.type == quit: ##                return ##        screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) ##        block = font.render(name, true, (255, 255, 255)) ##        rect = block.get_rect() ## = screen.get_rect().center ##        screen.blit(block, rect) ##        pygame.display.flip()             ##def input_box(): ## ##    pygame.draw.rect(gamedisplay, grey, [(display_width / 2) - 150,(display_height / 2) + 160,300,80]) ##     ## ##    event in pygame.get(): ##        if event.type == pygame.keydown:    # definition defines start screen game doesnt play straight away def startscreen():      menu = true      while menu:  # allows me quit game without problems         event in pygame.event.get():             if event.type == pygame.quit:                 pygame.quit()                 quit()             if event.type == pygame.keydown:                 if event.key == k_escape:                     pygame.quit()                     quit()  # takes away menu screen , starts game once you've pressed 'enter'         if event.type == pygame.keydown:             if event.key == pygame.k_return:                 menu = false          gamedisplay.fill(grey)         message_to_screen("major league mathematics", black, -200, "menu")           #button building         button("easy", black, 100, 220, 150, 100, lightgrey, white, value = "easy")         button("medium", black, 325, 220, 150, 100, lightgrey, white, value = "medium")         button("hard", black, 550, 220, 150, 100, lightgrey, white, value = "hard")          message_to_screen("select difficulty start!", black, 250, "small")         pygame.display.update()    # main loop game run off def gameloop():      gameexit = false     gameover = false         while not gameexit:         event in pygame.event.get():             if event.type == pygame.quit:                 gameexit = true             if event.type == pygame.keydown:                 if event.key == k_escape:                     pygame.quit()                     quit()             gamedisplay.fill(grey)         answer()         pygame.display.update()          clock.tick(fps)      pygame.quit()     quit()   startscreen() 

inside question() function, if value not equal "easy", "medium" or "hard", it'll bump undefined sum1 variable. didn't in line exception raised, best bet.


ok, reason asked if knew variable scope concepts because see have functions not being called , tries access variables outside scope. suggest further readings variable scoping, immediate answer, following changes in code should work (can't test here):

- in button function

if x + width > cur[0] > x , y + height > cur[1] > y:     pygame.draw.rect(gamedisplay, active_color, (x, y, width, height))     if click[0] == 1 , value != none:         if value == "easy":             easyvalues = list(range(10, 100 + 1))             sum1 = random.choice(easyvalues)             sum2 = random.choice(easyvalues)             gameloop(sum1, sum2)         if value == "medium":             mediumvalues = list(range(100, 1000 + 1))             sum1 = random.choice(mediumvalues)             sum2 = random.choice(mediumvalues)             gameloop(sum1, sum2)         if value == "hard":             hardvalues = list(range(1000, 10000 + 1))             sum1 = random.choice(hardvalues)             sum2 = random.choice(hardvalues)             gameloop(sum1, sum2)         else:             easyvalues = list(range(10, 100 + 1))             sum1 = random.choice(easyvalues)             sum2 = random.choice(easyvalues)             gameloop(sum1, sum2) 

- in gameloop function

def gameloop(sum1, sum2):      gameexit = false     gameover = false      while not gameexit:         event in pygame.event.get():             if event.type == pygame.quit:                 gameexit = true             if event.type == pygame.keydown:                 if event.key == k_escape:                     pygame.quit()                     quit()             gamedisplay.fill(grey)         answer(sum1, sum2)         pygame.display.update()          clock.tick(fps)      pygame.quit()     quit() 

- in answer function

def answer(sum1, sum2): 


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