Passing query variables to the ContentProvider in Android -

i'm wanting know correct way of passing parameters database query using contentprovider pattern is.

is follow - i.e. & args in update method.

getcontentresolver().update(uri, cv,where, args); 

or appending values @ end of uri - in example in docs - see case 2?

 public class exampleprovider extends contentprovider {  ......  ......      // implements contentprovider.query()  public cursor query(      uri uri, string[] projection,string selection, string[] selectionargs,     string sortorder) {      switch (surimatcher.match(uri)) {         case 1:             if (textutils.isempty(sortorder)) sortorder = "_id asc";             break;          case 2:             selection = selection + "_id = " uri.getlastpathsegment();             break; 

and of these approaches best. i've seen both used, unsure of respective merits.


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