c++ - IMG_Load doesn't work -

i watching series = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nvghrofneg , reason guy in video code works me compiles fine doesn't load image. don't know do.

#include "sdl.h" #include <iostream> #include "sdl_image.h"  sdl_texture *loadtexture(std::string filepath, sdl_renderer *rendertarget) //texture optimization function {       sdl_texture *texture = nullptr;     sdl_surface *surface = img_load(filepath.c_str());       if (surface == null)         std::cout << "error 1" << std::endl;     else     {         texture = sdl_createtexturefromsurface(rendertarget, surface);          if (texture == null)             std::cout << "error 2" << std::endl;     }     sdl_freesurface(surface);      return texture; }    int main(int, char *argv[]) {     const int fps = 144;     int frametime = 0;      sdl_window *window = nullptr;      sdl_texture *currentimage= nullptr;     sdl_renderer *rendertarget = nullptr;     sdl_rect playerrect;     int framewidth, frameheight;     int texturewidth, textureheight;     sdl_init(sdl_init_video );      int imgflags = img_init_png | img_init_jpg;      if (!(img_init(imgflags) != imgflags))      {         std::cout << "error: " << img_geterror()    << std::endl;        }      window = sdl_createwindow("sdl pong", sdl_windowpos_centered, sdl_windowpos_centered, 1024, 720, sdl_window_shown);     rendertarget = sdl_createrenderer(window, -1, sdl_renderer_accelerated | sdl_renderer_presentvsync);      currentimage = loadtexture("untitled.jpg", rendertarget);     sdl_querytexture(currentimage, null, null, &texturewidth, &textureheight);     sdl_setrenderdrawcolor(rendertarget, 0xff, 0, 0, 0xff);     framewidth = texturewidth / 3;     frameheight = textureheight / 4;     playerrect.x = playerrect.y = 0;     playerrect.y = framewidth;     playerrect.h = frameheight;      bool isrunning = true; //game loop     sdl_event ev;      while (isrunning)     {         while (sdl_pollevent(&ev) != 0)         {              if (ev.type == sdl_quit)                 isrunning = false;         }       frametime++;      if (fps / frametime == 4)     {          frametime = 0;         playerrect.x += framewidth;         if (playerrect.x >= texturewidth)             playerrect.x =0;          }         sdl_renderclear(rendertarget);         sdl_rendercopy(rendertarget, currentimage, &playerrect, null);         sdl_renderpresent(rendertarget);      }     sdl_destroywindow(window);     sdl_destroytexture(currentimage);     sdl_destroyrenderer(rendertarget);     window = nullptr;      rendertarget = nullptr;     currentimage  = nullptr;      sdl_quit();       return 0; } 

this error message: http://imgur.com/lhmdt5f

(i don't have enough reputation comment on main post i'll post here:)

when downloading sdl_image, multiple .dll's (http://i.imgur.com/tt9yxuw.png).

since specific error, assume didn't drop libjpeg dll directory.

i'm sdl_image needs read particular filetypes.


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