batch file - Generated script doesn't create shortcuts -

my windows 8 pc doesn't seem want create shortcuts using vbscript. problem is, somehow can't saved. seems problem pc has.

i trying create temporary vbscript using batch, output is:

c:\users\albert~1\appdata\local\temp\11338-3520-31784-27073.vbs(5, 1) shortcut "c:\users\albertmøller\downloads\desktop\askontrolpanel.lnk" not saved.

this vbscript code:

set script="%temp%\%random%-%random%-%random%-%random%.vbs" echo set ows = wscript.createobject("") >> %script% echo slinkfile = "desktop\askontrolpanel.lnk" >> %script% echo set olink = ows.createshortcut(slinkfile) >> %script% echo olink.targetpath = "%programdata%\autoshutdown\automaticshutdown.bat" >> %script% echo >> %script% cscript /nologo %script% del %script% 

it seems work on other computers have tested on, 3. try open administrator rights, still doesn't work.

try code , tell me if works or not ?

@echo off mode con cols=87 lines=5 & color 9b title generer le vbscript pour la creation du raccourci sur le bureau hackoo echo generer le vbscript pour la creation du raccourci timeout /t 2 > nul ( echo call shortcut("%windir%\system32\calc.exe","calculatrice"^) echo ^'**********************************************************************************************^) echo sub shortcut(cheminapplication,nom^) echo    dim objshell,desktoppath,objshortcut,mytab echo    set objshell = createobject(""^) echo    mytab = split^(cheminapplication,"\"^) echo    if nom = "" echo    nom = mytab(ubound^(mytab^)^) echo    end if echo    desktoppath = objshell.specialfolders("desktop"^) echo    set objshortcut = objshell.createshortcut(desktoppath ^& "\" ^& nom ^& ".lnk"^) echo    objshortcut.targetpath = dblquote^(cheminapplication^) echo    objshortcut.iconlocation = "winver.exe,0" echo echo end sub echo ^'********************************************************************************************** echo ^'fonction pour ajouter les doubles quotes dans une variable echo function dblquote(str^) echo    dblquote = chr(34^) ^& str ^& chr^(34^) echo end function echo ^'********************************************************************************************** ) > shortcutme.vbs echo execution du vbscript pour la creation du raccourci de la calculatrice sur le bureau start /wait shortcutme.vbs echo suppression du vbscript del shortcutme.vbs echo termine pause > nul 


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