algorithm - How to Memoize the solution to Unique Paths in Python -
i've been trying solve problem while. m x n grid given , we've find number paths top left corner bottom right corner.
simple problem though; there many solutions well. here're details.
i solved problem in java, , wrote 1 more solution in python. want modify previous solution memoized table final answer gets collected @ bottom right cell. value of cell sum of right , left adjacent cells.
here's code can't debug:-
class solution: #actual recursive function def paths(self,row,col): if row == 0 or col == 0: self.mat[row][col] = 1 return 1 self.mat[row][col-1] = self.paths(row, col-1) self.mat[row-1][col] = self.paths(row-1, col) self.mat[row][col] = self.mat[row][col-1] + self.mat[row-1][col] return self.mat[row][col] # driver function. called def uniquepaths(self, a, b): self.mat = [[-1]*b]*a ans = self.paths(a-1, b-1) return self.mat[a-1][b-1]
and here previous solution works - doesn't use memoized table.
class oldsolution: def paths(self,row,col): if row==0 or col==0: return 1 elif row<0 or col<0: return 0 elif row >0 , col > 0: return self.paths(row-1,col) + self.paths(row,col-1) def uniquepaths(self, a, b): mat = [ [-1] * b ] *a return self.paths(a-1, b-1) sol = oldsolution() print sol.uniquepaths(3,3) # prints 6
test cases:- 3, 3 = 6
15, 9 = 319770
the issue initialization of matrix. create same row duplicated in every column when update cell, corresponding cells in columns updated.
instead of:
self.mat = [[-1]*b]*a
self.mat = [[-1 in range(b)] j in range(a)]
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