Serializing into JSON using MemoryStream,while adding newlines C# -
i have serialize c# class data json. purpose use memorystream , datacontractjsonserializer.
memorystream stream1 = new memorystream(); datacontractjsonserializer ser = new datacontractjsonserializer(typeof(person)); ser.writeobject(stream1, p); using (filestream file = new filestream("write.json", filemode.create, fileaccess.readwrite)) { stream1.position = 0;, 0, (int)stream1.length); file.write(stream1.toarray(), 0, stream1.toarray().length); stream1.close(); file.close(); }
running application produces output:
however, task have produce json file each entry entered in new line. example:
"somedata":[ { "somedata" : "value", "somedata" : 0, "somedata": [ { "somedata" : "value", "somedata" : 0 ] } ] }, etc. etc.
any ideas how can this? in advance!
ok, if want add code answered in question.
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