batch file - How do I get a randomly generated ip back from ping -

what want generate random ip, ping it, , then, if ip comes valid ip, want send ip new notepad. have far...

:start @set /a a=(%random% * 99 / 32768 + 1) @set /a b=(%random% * 999 / 32768 + 1) @set /a c=(%random% * 999 / 32768 + 1) @set /a d=(%random% * 9 / 32768 + 1) @set e=%a%.%b%.%c%.%d% ping %e% goto start 

i make take ip pinged, , if comes valid, put in notepad. thanks! want able repeat. please leave comment if know how can correctly!

@echo off     setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion      /l %%a in (0) (         set /a  "a=!random! %% 255", ^                 "b=!random! %% 255", ^                 "c=!random! %% 255", ^                 "d=!random! %% 255"          ping -w 1000 -n 1 "!a!.!b!.!c!.!d!" | find "ttl=" > nul && (             >>"online.txt" echo !a!.!b!.!c!.!d!         )     ) 


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