linq - Count string appears in list and copy along with number of time it appear into strongly type list- c# -
i have list of string containing different words , of words repeating. want copy string list , save type list string , no of times appears in list. need use linq.
model class
public class wordcount { public wordcount() { } public int id { get; set; } public string word { get; set; } public int counter { get; set; } }
my current list
private list<string> _wordcontent = new list<string>();
new type list ?????????
public void countwordinwebsitecontent() { var counts = _wordcontent .groupby(w => w) .select(g => new { word = g.key, count = g.count() }) .tolist(); list<wordcount> mywordlist = new list<wordcount>(); var = "d"; }
you can create objects of wordcount
while projecting grouped result:
here using lambda expression syntax:
.select((g,index) => new wordcount { word = g.key, counter = g.count(), id =index }).tolist();
using query expression syntax:
int id=1; var counts = word in _wordcontent group word word g select new wordcount { id= id++, word = g.key, counter = g.count() };
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