spring - Quartz doesn't recognize schema job_scheduling_data_2_0.xsd present in quartz jar file -

i getting below exception on server startup.

i using quartz 2.2.21 spring 3.2. have enabled quartz plugin (org.quartz.plugins.xml.xmlschedulingdataprocessorplugin).

please find below start tag of our xml file:

during server startup getting below log information , stacktrace:

error message:

unable load local schema packaged in quartz distribution jar. utilizing schema online @ http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/xml/job_scheduling_data_2_0.xsd 


caused by: org.xml.sax.saxparseexception; systemid: file:///quartz_job_data.xml; linenumber: 5; columnnumber: 104; schema_reference.4: failed read schema document 'http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/xml/job_scheduling_data_2_0.xsd', because 1) not find document; 2) document not read; 3) root element of document not <xsd:schema>. 

i have same problem. i'm using 7.1.1 of jboss , problem appears when don't have connection internet. easy putting fake address that's unreachable in hosts.

i tried force local copy not work.

what did partially overwrite functionality until fixed. watch: https://jira.spring.io/browse/spr-13706

public class customxmlschedulingdataprocessor extends org.quartz.xml.xmlschedulingdataprocessor {     public static final string quartz_xsd_path_in_jar_classpath = "classpath:org/quartz/xml/job_scheduling_data_2_0.xsd";      public customxmlschedulingdataprocessor(classloadhelper clh) throws parserconfigurationexception {         super(clh);     }      @override     protected object resolveschemasource() {         inputsource inputsource;         inputstream = null;             try {                 = classloadhelper.getresourceasstream(quartz_xsd_path_in_jar_classpath);             }  {                 if (is != null) {                     inputsource = new inputsource(is);                     inputsource.setsystemid(quartz_schema_web_url);                 }                 else {                     return quartz_schema_web_url;                 }              }              return inputsource;     } } 

and did new plugin xmlschedulingdataprocessorplugin overwritting instanciation of above class.

                    public class xmlschedulingdataprocessorplugin      extends schedulerpluginwithusertransactionsupport      implements filescanlistener {      /*      * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      *       * data members.      *       * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      */     private static final int max_job_trigger_name_len = 80;     private static final string job_initialization_plugin_name = "jobschedulingdataloaderplugin";     private static final string file_name_delimiters = ",";      private boolean failonfilenotfound = true;      private string filenames = customxmlschedulingdataprocessor.quartz_xml_default_file_name;      // populated initialization     private map<string, jobfile> jobfiles = new linkedhashmap<string, jobfile>();      private long scaninterval = 0;       boolean started = false;      protected classloadhelper classloadhelper = null;      private set<string> jobtriggernameset = new hashset<string>();      /*      * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      *       * constructors.      *       * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      */      public xmlschedulingdataprocessorplugin() {     }      /*      * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      *       * interface.      *       * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      */      /**      * comma separated list of file names (with paths) xml files should read.      */     public string getfilenames() {         return filenames;     }      /**      * file name (and path) xml file should read.      */     public void setfilenames(string filenames) {         this.filenames = filenames;     }      /**      * interval (in seconds) @ scan changes file.        * if file has been changed, re-loaded , parsed.   default       * value interval 0, disables scanning.      *       * @return returns scaninterval.      */     public long getscaninterval() {         return scaninterval / 1000;     }      /**      * interval (in seconds) @ scan changes file.        * if file has been changed, re-loaded , parsed.   default       * value interval 0, disables scanning.      *       * @param scaninterval scaninterval set.      */     public void setscaninterval(long scaninterval) {         this.scaninterval = scaninterval * 1000;     }      /**      * whether or not initialization of plugin should fail (throw      * exception) if file cannot found. default <code>true</code>.      */     public boolean isfailonfilenotfound() {         return failonfilenotfound;     }      /**      * whether or not initialization of plugin should fail (throw      * exception) if file cannot found. default <code>true</code>.      */     public void setfailonfilenotfound(boolean failonfilenotfound) {         this.failonfilenotfound = failonfilenotfound;     }       /*      * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      *       * schedulerplugin interface.      *       * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      */      /**      * <p>      * called during creation of <code>scheduler</code> in order give      * <code>schedulerplugin</code> chance initialize.      * </p>      *       * @throws org.quartz.schedulerconfigexception      *           if there error initializing.      */     public void initialize(string name, final scheduler scheduler, classloadhelper schedulerfactoryclassloadhelper)         throws schedulerexception {         super.initialize(name, scheduler);         this.classloadhelper = schedulerfactoryclassloadhelper;          getlog().info("registering quartz job initialization plug-in.");          // create jobfile objects         stringtokenizer stok = new stringtokenizer(filenames, file_name_delimiters);         while (stok.hasmoretokens()) {             final string filename = stok.nexttoken();             final jobfile jobfile = new jobfile(filename);             jobfiles.put(filename, jobfile);                  }     }       @override     public void start(usertransaction usertransaction) {         try {             if (jobfiles.isempty() == false) {                  if (scaninterval > 0) {                     getscheduler().getcontext().put(job_initialization_plugin_name + '_' + getname(), this);                 }                  iterator<jobfile> iterator = jobfiles.values().iterator();                 while (iterator.hasnext()) {                     jobfile jobfile = iterator.next();                      if (scaninterval > 0) {                         string jobtriggername = buildjobtriggername(jobfile.getfilebasename());                         triggerkey tkey = new triggerkey(jobtriggername, job_initialization_plugin_name);                          // remove pre-existing job/trigger, if                         getscheduler().unschedulejob(tkey);                          jobdetail job = newjob().withidentity(jobtriggername, job_initialization_plugin_name).oftype(filescanjob.class)                             .usingjobdata(filescanjob.file_name, jobfile.getfilename())                             .usingjobdata(filescanjob.file_scan_listener_name, job_initialization_plugin_name + '_' + getname())                             .build();                          simpletrigger trig = newtrigger().withidentity(tkey).withschedule(                                 simpleschedule().repeatforever().withintervalinmilliseconds(scaninterval))                                 .forjob(job)                                 .build();                          getscheduler().schedulejob(job, trig);                         getlog().debug("scheduled file scan job data file: {}, @ interval: {}", jobfile.getfilename(), scaninterval);                     }                      processfile(jobfile);                 }             }         } catch(schedulerexception se) {             getlog().error("error starting background-task watching jobs file.", se);         } {             started = true;         }     }      /**      * helper method generating unique job/trigger name        * file scanning jobs (one per filejob).  unique names saved      * in jobtriggernameset.      */     private string buildjobtriggername(             string filebasename) {         // name w/o collisions prefix + _ + filename (with '.' of filename replaced '_')         // example: jobinitializationplugin_jobinitializer_myjobs_xml         string jobtriggername = job_initialization_plugin_name + '_' + getname() + '_' + filebasename.replace('.', '_');          // if name long (db column 80 chars), truncate max length         if (jobtriggername.length() > max_job_trigger_name_len) {             jobtriggername = jobtriggername.substring(0, max_job_trigger_name_len);         }          // make sure name unique in case same file name under different         // directories being checked, or had naming collision due length truncation.         // if there conflict, keep incrementing _# suffix on name (being sure         // not long), until find unique name.         int currentindex = 1;         while (jobtriggernameset.add(jobtriggername) == false) {             // if not our first time through, strip off old numeric suffix             if (currentindex > 1) {                 jobtriggername = jobtriggername.substring(0, jobtriggername.lastindexof('_'));             }              string numericsuffix = "_" + currentindex++;              // if numeric suffix make name long, make room it.             if (jobtriggername.length() > (max_job_trigger_name_len - numericsuffix.length())) {                 jobtriggername = jobtriggername.substring(0, (max_job_trigger_name_len - numericsuffix.length()));             }              jobtriggername += numericsuffix;         }          return jobtriggername;     }      /**      * overriden ignore <em>wrapinusertransaction</em> because shutdown()      * not interact <code>scheduler</code>.       */     @override     public void shutdown() {         // since have nothing do, override base shutdown don't         // extranious usertransactions.     }      private void processfile(jobfile jobfile) {         if (jobfile == null || !jobfile.getfilefound()) {             return;         }           try {             customxmlschedulingdataprocessor processor =                  new customxmlschedulingdataprocessor(this.classloadhelper);              processor.addjobgrouptoneverdelete(job_initialization_plugin_name);             processor.addtriggergrouptoneverdelete(job_initialization_plugin_name);              processor.processfileandschedulejobs(                     jobfile.getfilename(),                      jobfile.getfilename(), // systemid                      getscheduler());         } catch (exception e) {             getlog().error("error scheduling jobs: " + e.getmessage(), e);         }     }      public void processfile(string filepath) {         processfile((jobfile)jobfiles.get(filepath));     }      /**       * @see org.quartz.jobs.filescanlistener#fileupdated(java.lang.string)      */     public void fileupdated(string filename) {         if (started) {             processfile(filename);         }     }      class jobfile {         private string filename;          // these set initialize()         private string filepath;         private string filebasename;         private boolean filefound;          protected jobfile(string filename) throws schedulerexception {             this.filename = filename;             initialize();         }          protected string getfilename() {             return filename;         }          protected boolean getfilefound() {             return filefound;         }          protected string getfilepath() {             return filepath;         }          protected string getfilebasename() {             return filebasename;         }          private void initialize() throws schedulerexception {             inputstream f = null;             try {                 string furl = null;                  file file = new file(getfilename()); // files in filesystem                 if (!file.exists()) {                     url url = classloadhelper.getresource(getfilename());                     if(url != null) {                         try {                             furl = urldecoder.decode(url.getpath(), "utf-8");                         } catch (unsupportedencodingexception e) {                             furl = url.getpath();                         }                         file = new file(furl);                          try {                             f = url.openstream();                         } catch (ioexception ignor) {                             // swallow exception                         }                     }                         } else {                     try {                                       f = new java.io.fileinputstream(file);                     }catch (filenotfoundexception e) {                         // ignore                     }                 }                  if (f == null) {                     if (isfailonfilenotfound()) {                         throw new schedulerexception(                             "file named '" + getfilename() + "' not exist.");                     } else {                         getlog().warn("file named '" + getfilename() + "' not exist.");                     }                 } else {                     filefound = true;                 }                 filepath = (furl != null) ? furl : file.getabsolutepath();                 filebasename = file.getname();             } {                 try {                     if (f != null) {                         f.close();                     }                 } catch (ioexception ioe) {                     getlog().warn("error closing jobs file " + getfilename(), ioe);                 }             }         }     } } 

that way have use plugin in configuration , work default.

org.quartz.plugin.jobinitializer.class = com.level2.quartz.processor.plugin.xmlschedulingdataprocessorplugin


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