Patterns for developing and merging teamcity build configurations -

during normal development of coded or configured project involves merging changes of sort.

the same holds true teamcity build configurations themselves. i'm failing see way in teamcity. far i've found couple of primary ways move developed build configuration production usage.

these assume have build configuration in use production... i.e. it's not being actively modified or configured.

  1. make copy of build configuration a. we'll call copy build configuration b.

  2. make changes configuration b , test them.

now, there 2 ways configuration a.

a. delete build configuration , move configuration b in.

  • doing remove history of configuration a.


b. manually, hand, make changed needed configuration a.

  • this seems error prone , lends great deal of human error.

if there better way this, or has thoughts, please let me know.

it difficult test changes in isolation, when use templates lot , changing template affect number of builds. in scenario detach configuration template, make , test changes. reattach configuration template , apply changes @ template level. means can apply tested changes dev / test / uat / etc configurations working off same template.

teamcity has nice feature can sync changes vcs - mean can make changes in ui or in code, , have history of changes rollback edits configurations quite easily.

i don't know if there's optimum strategy, first option works me, although have teamcity write it's settings vcs possible

hope may of help.


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