Magento: Login and redirect to account page from outside magento -

i using below code login , redirect account page:

<?php include('store/app/mage.php'); mage::app();  if($_post && $_post['login']['username'] && $_post['login']['password']){     $email = $_post['login']['username'];     $password = $_post['login']['password'];     $session = mage::getsingleton('customer/session');          try {              $log = $session->login($email, $password);             $session->setcustomerasloggedin($session->getcustomer());              $customer_id = $session->getcustomerid();              $send_data["success"] = true;             $send_data["message"] = "login success";             $send_data["customer_id"] = $customer_id;              mage::getsingleton('customer/session')->loginbyid($customer_id);             mage_core_model_session_abstract_varien::start();          }catch (exception $ex) {             $send_data["success"] = false;             $send_data["message"] = $ex->getmessage();         }  }else {     $send_data["success"]=false;     $send_data["message"]="enter both email , password"; }  echo json_encode($send_data);  ?> 

and on file making ajax request, using code:

if(data.success){     window.location = "" } 

but show user logout, though correct customer id success.

$email = strip_tags($_get["login"]); $password = strip_tags($_get["psw"]);  function loginuser( $email, $password ) {      umask(0);     ob_start();     session_start();     mage::app('default');     mage::getsingleton("core/session", array("name" => "frontend"));      $websiteid = mage::app()->getwebsite()->getid();     $store = mage::app()->getstore();     $customer = mage::getmodel("customer/customer");     $customer->website_id = $websiteid;     $customer->setstore($store);     try {         $customer->loadbyemail($email);         $session = mage::getsingleton('customer/session')->setcustomerasloggedin($customer);         if($session->login($email, $password)){ return true;} else { };     }catch(exception $e){       return $e->getmessage();     }         }    if (loginuser($email,$password) == 1) { echo ".. user loged ".mage::getsingleton('customer/session')->getcustomer()->getname()."<br>";} else {  //bad things goes here } 


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