javascript - How to disable or uncheck a checkbox in ng-grid? -

i need disable or uncheck checkbox depending on condition. try solution how disallow selection beforeselectionchange select chekbox selection in ng-grid, row (the data) it's selected.

$scope.gridqueryreporte = {  data: 'datapaginadaintegrantes', columndefs: [{     field: 'numerosolicitud',     displayname: 'label_id_solicitud',     headercelltemplate: loadheadergrid(),     celltemplate: loadcellgrid() }, {     field: 'tiponumidsolicitud',     displayname: 'tipo y no. id solicitud',     headercelltemplate: loadheadergrid(),     celltemplate: loadcellgrid() }, {     field: 'nombresolicitud',     displayname: 'nombre solicitud',     headercelltemplate: loadheadergrid(),     celltemplate: loadcellgrid() }, {     field: 'tiponumidintegrante',     displayname: 'tipo y no. id integrante',     headercelltemplate: loadheadergrid(),     celltemplate: loadcellgrid() }, {     field: 'nombreintegrante',     displayname: 'label_nombre_integrante',     headercelltemplate: loadheadergrid(),     celltemplate: loadcellgrid() }, {     field: 'fechapublicacion',     displayname: 'label_fecha_publicacion_solicitud',     headercelltemplate: loadheadergrid(),     celltemplate: loadcellgrid() }, {     field: 'estado',     displayname: 'label_estado',     headercelltemplate: loadheadergrid(),     celltemplate: loadcellgrid() }, {     field: 'anotacion',     displayname: 'label_con_anotacion',     headercelltemplate: loadheadergrid(),     celltemplate: loadcellgrid() }, {     field: 'idintegrante',     displayname: 'label_titulo_detalle_solicitud',     headercelltemplate: loadheadergrid(),     celltemplate: loadcellgrid({         type: 'img',         image: 'verdetallegrid',         tovalidate: 'idintegrante',         funcion: 'abrirmodaldetalle(row.entity)'     }) }], primarykey: "idintegrante", enablerowselection: true, showselectioncheckbox: true, multiselect: true, selectwithcheckboxonly: true, selecteditems: $scope.integranteseleccionado, showcolumnmenu: true, enablepaging: true, showfooter: true, pagingoptions: $scope.pagingoptionsintegrantes, filteroptions: $scope.filteroptions, showfilter: true,  afterselectionchange: function (rowitem) {     $scope.contadorbanderaboton = $scope.gridqueryreporte.selecteditems.length;      $scope.selectedids = [];     var objetointegrante = {};      angular.foreach($scope.integranteseleccionado, function (item) {         //here want uncheck or disable checkbox                              if (item.rutareporteriesgos == null || item.rutareporteriesgos == "") {             if (rowitem.selected) {                 $scope.gridqueryreporte.selectrow(rowitem.rowindex, false);             }         }     }); } 



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