VB.NET and MS Access - Binding (Data won't save to database) -
i have linked 1 of vb.net forms ms access database table, however, when save data entered vb form data set, data show in data set not appear in database table. there anyway can data have stored in data set appear in actual database.
i have bound form fields correctly database table , have added tables form via data grid.
![form & data grid][1]
can tell me why won't save database? or have alternative method binding forms database.
*note - database has password on (don't know if effects it)
*note - i'm new forum cant post image...
*note - let me know if need see more code
form loading code
public class cd_form
private sub cd_load(sender system.object, e system.eventargs) handles mybase.load 'todo: line of code loads data 'cdkingsdatabasedataset.cd' table. can move, or remove it, needed. me.cdtableadapter.fill(me.cdkingsdatabasedataset.cd) end sub
add button code
private sub button5_click(sender system.object, e system.eventargs) handles add.click cdbindingsource.addnew() end sub
save button code
private sub button6_click(sender system.object, e system.eventargs) handles sav.click cdbindingsource.endedit() cdtableadapter.update(cdkingsdatabasedataset.cd) end sub
ah ok i've found solution comment jmcilhinney on "vb.net - .accdb database not saving changes" question made while back. changes database have been made database looking @ in wrong location.
the database stored changes in bin/debug folder.
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