Reactjs component interfering other component on same page -

i have 2 react components, likebox , commentbox


var react = require('react');  var likebox = react.createclass({     getinitialstate: function(){         return {count: this.props.initialcount}     },     render: function(){       return (         <div classname="likebox">             {                 this.state.count &&                  <span>{this.state.count} people this</span>             }         </div>       );     } })  module.exports.likebox = likebox; 


var react = require('react'); var $ = require('app/common/jquery');  var commentbox = react.createclass({     getinitialstate: function(){       return {data: []};     },     handlecommentsubmit: function(comment){         this.refreshcomments();     },     apiurl: function(){         return this.props.apiurl+"?content_uuid="+this.props.contentuuid;     },     refreshcomments: function(){         $.get(this.apiurl(), function(data){             this.setstate({data: data});         }.bind(this), 'json');     },     componentdidmount: function(){         this.refreshcomments();     },     render: function(){       return (         <div classname="commentbox">           <h1>comments</h1>           <commentlist data={} />           <commentform oncommentsubmit={this.handlecommentsubmit} apiurl={this.apiurl()}/>         </div>       );     } }); ... module.exports.commentbox = commentbox; 

and have 2 jquery plugins mount divs components:


"use strict";  var $ = require('jquery'); var jqbridget = require('jquery-bridget'); var react = require('react'); var likebox = require('app/likes/likes.jsx').likebox;   function likeboxplugin( element, options ) {   this.element = $( element );   this.options = $.extend( true, {}, this.options, options );   this._init(); }  likeboxplugin.prototype.options = {};  likeboxplugin.prototype._init = function() {    react.render(         <likebox initialcount={'initial-likes-count')}/>,         this.element.get(0)     ); };  $.bridget('likebox', likeboxplugin); 


"use strict";  var $ = require('jquery'); var react = require('react'); var jqbridget = require('jquery-bridget'); var commentbox = require('app/comments/comment_box.jsx').commentbox;  function commentboxplugin( element, options ) {   this.element = $( element );   this.options = $.extend( true, {}, this.options, options );   this._init(); }  commentboxplugin.prototype.options = {};  commentboxplugin.prototype._init = function() {    react.render(         <commentbox contentuuid={'uuid')} apiurl={'api-url')}/>,         this.element.get(0)     ); };  $.bridget('commentbox', commentboxplugin); 

to use plugins on page this:

<div>   post 1   <div class="likebox' .../>   <div class="commentbox' .../> </div> <div>   post 2   <div class="likebox' .../>   <div class="commentbox' .../> </div>  <script type="text/javascript"> var $ = require('jquery'); require('app/comments/comment_box.js'); require('app/likes/likes.js');  $(function(){     $('.likebox').likebox();     $('.commentbox').commentbox();     console.log('loaded controls'); }); </script> 

my problem that, after running $('.likebox').likebox();, cannot target commentbox, eg. $('.comment-box').length gives 0

i have tried swap around:

$(function(){     $('.commentbox').commentbox();     $('.likebox').likebox();     console.log('loaded controls'); }); 

i can see comment box showed briefly , got replaced box.

i have found problem, having self closing tags:

<div class="likebox' .../> <div class="commentbox' .../> 

after changing to:

<div class="likebox' ...></div> <div class="commentbox' ...></div> 



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