php - Angularjs CRUD applicatioan PUT method does not work -

i'm doing angularjs crud application using php framework slim backend, application done put method not work , realy can't understand why.

here slim code:

<?php  require 'slim/slim.php';  \slim\slim::registerautoloader();    // create new slim instance  $app = new \slim\slim();  $app->get('/users', 'getusers');  $app->post('/adduser', 'adduser');  $app->put('/edit/:id', 'updateuser');  $app->delete('/users/:id', 'deleteuser');  $app->run();  function getusers() {    $sql = "select * name order id";    try {      $db = getconnection();      $stmt = $db->query($sql);        $wines = $stmt->fetchall(pdo::fetch_obj);      $db = null;      echo json_encode($wines);    } catch(pdoexception $e) {      echo '{"error":{"text":'. $e->getmessage() .'}}';     }  }  function adduser() {    $request = \slim\slim::getinstance()->request();    $user = json_decode($request->getbody());    $sql = "insert name (name) values (:name)";    try {      $db = getconnection();      $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);        $stmt->bindparam("name", $user->name);      $stmt->execute();      $user->id = $db->lastinsertid();      $db = null;      echo json_encode($user);     } catch(pdoexception $e) {      echo '{"error":{"text":'. $e->getmessage() .'}}';     }  }    function updateuser($id) {    $request = slim::getinstance()->request();    $body = $request->getbody();    $user = json_decode($body);    $sql = "update name set name=:name id=:id";    try {      $db = getconnection();      $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);        $stmt->bindparam("name", $user->name);      $stmt->bindparam("id", $id);      $stmt->execute();      $db = null;      echo json_encode($user);     } catch(pdoexception $e) {      echo '{"error":{"text":'. $e->getmessage() .'}}';     }  }    function deleteuser($id) {    $sql = "delete name id=:id";    try {      $db = getconnection();      $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);        $stmt->bindparam("id", $id);      $stmt->execute();      $db = null;    } catch(pdoexception $e) {      echo '{"error":{"text":'. $e->getmessage() .'}}';     }  }  function getconnection() {    $dbhost="";    $dbuser="root";    $dbpass="000000";    $dbname="users";    $dbh = new pdo("mysql:host=$dbhost;dbname=$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpass);      $dbh->setattribute(pdo::attr_errmode, pdo::errmode_exception);    return $dbh;  }    ?>

here angularjs code:

'use strict';    var app = angular.module('mainapp', ['ngroute', 'ngresource']);      app.config(function($routeprovider) {  	$routeprovider  	.when('/', {  		controller: 'mainctrl',  		templateurl: 'views/users.html'  	})  	.when('/adduser', {  		controller: 'mainctrl',  		templateurl: 'views/add.html'  	})  	.when('/edit/:id', {  		controller: 'mainctrl',  		templateurl: 'views/edit.html'  	})  	.otherwise({  		redirectto: '/'  	});  });      app.controller('mainctrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$location', '$routeparams' , function($scope, $http, $location, $routeparams) {    $scope.master = {};    $scope.activepath = null;      $http.get('api/users').success(function(data) {      $scope.users = data;    });      $scope.deleteuser = function (user) {       console.log('service delete ' +;      $http.delete('api/users/' +{        $location.path('/adminlist')      });    }     $scope.adduser = function(user, addnewform) {      console.log(user);      $'api/adduser', user).success(function(){        $scope.reset();        $scope.activepath = $location.path('/');      });      $scope.reset();    };      $scope.updateuser = function(user, addnewform) {      console.log(user);      $http.put('api/edit/' + $, {id:$,}).success(function(){        $scope.reset();        $scope.activepath = $location.path('/');      });      $scope.reset();    };     $scope.reset = function() {      $scope.user = angular.copy($scope.master);    };  }]);

and html code, template display users:

<!-- show existing users. -->  <h2>striped rows</h2>    <p>the .table-striped class adds zebra-stripes table:</p>               <table class="table table-striped">      <thead>        <tr>          <th>id</th>          <th>name</th>          <th>delete</th>          <th>edit</th>        </tr>      </thead>      <tbody>        <tr ng-repeat="user in users">          <td>{{}}</td>          <td>            {{}}        </td>          <td><a ng-click="deleteuser( user )">delete</a></td>          <td>( <a href="#/edit/{{}}">edit</a> )</td>        </tr>      </tbody>    </table>  <!-- add new friend list. -->

and page when wanna update user:

<h2>edit user</h2>  <form novalidate name="addnewform" id="add-new-form" method="post" action="">    <label for="user">name:</label>    <input type="text" ng-model="" required />    <br/>    <button class="btn btn-primary" ng-disabled="addnewform.$invalid || isunchanged(user)" id="add-new-btn" ng-click="updateuser(user)">edit!</button>  </form>

it strange because when press edit button enter name form, , when click button can see in network works, seems i've got mistake somewhere, can see on picture

enter image description here

maybe can link me examples how this? thank attention:)

rather writing methods in every controller api data, try api interactions through factory. call method , pass parameters it.

// rest api data factory function apidata($http) {     var query = '';     var domain = '';      return {         get: function (endpoint, params) {             return $http({                 method: 'get'                 , url: domain + endpoint                 , params: params             })             .then(function (response) {                 return;             });         },         post: function (endpoint, params) {             return $http({                 method: 'post'                 , url: domain + endpoint                 , params: params             })             .then(function (response) {                 return;             });         },         put: function (endpoint, params) {             return $http({                 method: 'put'                 , url: domain + endpoint                 , params: params             })             .then(function (response) {                 return;             });     } } 

this makes calling endpoint easy , minimizes duplicate code.

// data api apidata.get('items', itemcontroller.params)     .then(function(data) { = data;     } ); 


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