ios - cocos2d can't get started with physics -
so apparently cocos2d community thinks i'm spammer because don't understand tutorials, here :d
hey i'm trying physics working single object "failed find parent ccphysicsnode ccphysicsbody. ccphysicsbody requies child of ccphysicsnode when onenter called".
in init function scene have,
override init(){ super.init() let scenephysics = ccphysicsbody() self.physicsbody = scenephysics }
i unable find proper tutorial, or answer after lot of googling. seems api docs tells not how it. see examples setting physics world, see cocos2d api not have physics world, or not saying need one. conflicting things, no hard answer or example how this.
-already tried reading docs -added ccphysicscontactdelegate class definition -read -tried adding physics node scene in spritebuilder
i adding ccphysicsbody instead of ccphysicsnode
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