java - Border with rounded corners -

here have small piece of code getting rectangular box using awt.but want border should rounded corner.can please suggest me?

int width = 150;         int height = 50;          bufferedimage bufferedimage = new bufferedimage(width, height,                 bufferedimage.type_int_rgb);          graphics2d g2d = bufferedimage.creategraphics();          font font = new font("georgia", font.bold, 18);         g2d.setfont(font);          renderinghints rh = new renderinghints(                 renderinghints.key_antialiasing,                 renderinghints.value_antialias_on);          rh.put(renderinghints.key_rendering,                 renderinghints.value_render_quality);          g2d.setrenderinghints(rh);          gradientpaint gp = new gradientpaint(0, 0,                 color.decode("#24777d"), 0, height / 2, color.decode("#008080"), true);          g2d.setpaint(gp);         g2d.fillrect(0, 0, width, height);          g2d.setcolor(new color(255, 255, 255));          g2d.dispose(); 

use drawroundrect() method of graphics2d class paint border in addition fillroundrect() method.follow api sample code try.

 jframe f = new jframe();  f.setlayout(null);  f.setdefaultcloseoperation(3);  f.setsize(500, 500);  f.setlocationrelativeto(null);  jpanel p = new jpanel() {   protected void paintcomponent(graphics g) {     super.paintcomponent(g);      int width = getwidth();     int height = getheight();     graphics2d graphics = (graphics2d) g;     graphics.setrenderinghint(renderinghints.key_antialiasing,renderinghints.value_antialias_on);       //draws rounded opaque panel borders.     graphics.setcolor(getbackground());     //paint background     graphics.fillroundrect(0, 0, width, height, 17, 17);     graphics.setcolor(getforeground());     //paint border     graphics.drawroundrect(0, 0, width, height, 17, 17);  }  };  p.setbounds(20,20,150,50);  p.setopaque(false);  f.getcontentpane().setbackground(;  f.add(p);  f.setvisible(true); 


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