node.js - Hash mismatch (integrity check failed) with Azure Blob Storage -
i'm following
however despite exact same code, when download blobs azure gives error:
[error: hash mismatch (integrity check failed), expected value ...]
the line being run blobservice.getblobtotext, blobservice being connection azure (createblobservice...)
what's going on? :s
my code's below:
// azure test function downloadimageastext(blobservice, containername, blobname) { blobservice.getblobtotext( containername, blobname, function(err, blobcontent, blob) { if (err) { console.error("couldn't download blob %s", blobname); console.error(err); } else { console.log("sucessfully downloaded blob %s", blobname); console.log(blobcontent); } }); } function uploadimage(blobservice, containername, blobname, filename) { blobservice.getblobproperties( containername, blobname, function(err, properties, status) { if (status.issuccessful) { // blob exists } else { blobservice.createblockblobfromlocalfile( containername, blobname, filename, function(error, result, response){ if(error){ console.log("couldn't upload file %s", filename); console.error(error); } else { console.log('file %s uploaded successfully', filename); downloadimageastext(blobservice, containername, blobname); } }); } }); } function testazure() { accountname / hash = details var storage = require('azure-storage'); var blobservice = storage.createblobservice(accountname, hash); var containername = 'tst'; var blobname = 'test.png'; var filename = 'test.png'; blobservice.createcontainerifnotexists(containername, function(err, result, response) { if (err) { console.log("couldn't create container %s", containername); console.error(err); } else { if (result) { console.log('container %s created', containername); uploadimage(blobservice, containername, blobname, filename); } else { console.log('container %s exists', containername); uploadimage(blobservice, containername, blobname, filename); } } }); } function startserver() { http = require('http'); const port = 8080; var server = http.createserver(handlerequest); server.on('listening',function(){ console.log("server listening on:", port); }); server.listen(port); } startserver(); testazure();
it can happen because of many internal md5 check failures works differently when use https. can please try specifying storage account https? -
var blobservice = storage.createblobserviceanonymous('');
otherwise me, download function working fine.
for reference, can try following actual documentation -
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