scripting - modify the thread pool in websphere 8.5 using wsadmin script -

i want modify thread pool size default, work manager, , on.. using wsadmin (jython) scripting. how change maximum , minimum sizes??

i can't seems find correct document change of thread pool settings, "adminconfi.modify" not responding attributes

this makes sense me. assuming id coming in result of getid on jvm. list of thread pools, grab id's of thread pools want modify (in case 'default' , 'webcontainer' thread pool) modify. adminutil crux of one, else threadpool "list" 1 big nasty useless string.

def setthreadpools(id):    threadpools=adminconfig.list('threadpool',id)    threadpoollist=adminutilities.converttolist(threadpools)    tps in threadpoollist:       if adminconfig.showattribute(tps,'name') == 'default':          defaultthreadpoolid=tps       if adminconfig.showattribute(tps,'name') == 'webcontainer':          webcontainerthreadpoolid=tps    adminconfig.modify(defaultthreadpoolid, '[[maximumsize "50"] [name "default"] [minimumsize "20"] [inactivitytimeout "5000"] [description ""] [isgrowable "false"]]')    adminconfig.modify(webcontainerthreadpoolid, '[[maximumsize "120"] [name "webcontainer"] [minimumsize "50"] [inactivitytimeout "60000"] [description ""] [isgrowable "false"]]')    return 


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