python - Pandas not recognizing NaN as null -

i have dataframe, portion of looks this:

enter image description here

i read in file using line of code:

df = pd.read_table(oname,skiprows=1,sep='\t',usecols=(3,4,5),names=['year','month','snow_depth']) 

when call df.isnull(), false each cell when nan should come true default, believe. have idea why isn't getting picked on?

edit: results of

<class 'pandas.core.frame.dataframe'> int64index: 360 entries, 516 875 data columns (total 3 columns): year          360 non-null int64 month         360 non-null int64 snow_depth    360 non-null object dtypes: int64(2), object(1) memory usage: 11.2+ kb 

it looks data had 'nan' values ' nan' can add param read_table, na_values=[' nan'] , add default list of values treat nan.

alternatively can replace them using:

df.replace(' nan', np.nan) 


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