C++ Optimization breaking OLE Automation program (non-MFC) -

i'm writing program parse word document , export data out excel workbook using ole automation (the non-mfc way guess). works fine in debug, not in release (specifically if optimization enabled). error idispatch::invoke call failed, specifically:

0x80020004 disp_e_paramnotfound parameter not found

i checked stackoverflow suggestions , main 1 seems uninitialized variables. might what's going on, still don't understand specific case. i've narrowed down single function in program automation::dispatch::invoke responsible calling idispatch::invoke. arguments being passed automation::dispatch::invoke correct problem somewhere in code.

looking @ base code (from msdn) adapted from, able working , narrow down exact problem line. below shows code not work, comments indicate line moved working (look 2 lines <--- problem line comment). in debug mode, location of line not matter , works in either spot.

my question fix, , why issue start with? thank , let me know if can make question more clear.

hresult automation::dispatch::invoke(int cmd, std::string name, std::vector<variant> values)  {    uses_conversion;    hresult result;      /* dispid name passed */    dispid dispid;    lpolestr nameole=a2ole(name.c_str());    result=pobjectint->getidsofnames(iid_null, &nameole, 1, locale_user_default, &dispid);    if (failed(result)) {      return result;    }    /* reverse elements in values vector invoked in correct order */    std::reverse(values.begin(), values.end());      /* allocate memory object values */    variant *pvalues=new variant[values.size() + 1];    (unsigned int i=0; < values.size(); ++i) {      pvalues[i]=values[i];    }    /* build dispparams */    dispparams dispparams= {null, null, 0, 0};    /* dispid dispidnamed=dispid_propertyput;   <--- problem line moved here makes work */    dispparams.cargs=values.size();    dispparams.rgvarg=pvalues;      /* handle special-case property-puts */    if (cmd==dispatch_propertyput) {      dispid dispidnamed=dispid_propertyput;   /* <--- problem line here */      dispparams.cnamedargs=1;      dispparams.rgdispidnamedargs=&dispidnamed;    }    /* make call */    if (cmd==dispatch_method || cmd==dispatch_propertyput) {      result=pobjectint->invoke(dispid, iid_null, locale_system_default, cmd, &dispparams, null, null, null);    }    else {      variantinit(&objectdata);      result=pobjectint->invoke(dispid, iid_null, locale_system_default, cmd, &dispparams, &objectdata, null, null);    }    delete[] pvalues;    return result;  }

in code:

if (cmd==dispatch_propertyput) {     dispid dispidnamed=dispid_propertyput;   /* <--- problem line here */     dispparams.cnamedargs=1;     dispparams.rgdispidnamedargs=&dispidnamed; } 

dispidnamed local variable code block in (i.e. area delimited { }).

after } reached ceases exist. rgdispidnamedargs dangling pointer because no longer points variable exists.

you got unlucky in debug mode didn't trigger error sooner.


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