xpages - How to store a list of dates in a multi-value field using SSJS? -

in past, i've added multi-value text data field putting values simple javascript array. example: doc.replaceitemvalue('alwaysaccess', ["john doe","bob smith"]);

any recommendations on how store series of dates in multi-value, time/date field in notes document?

tl;dr: concept should identical multi-value field of strings, date(/time) values need valid notesdatetime values stored.

a notes field can have multiple date/time values; can see in form, selecting field of type date/time , checking "allow multiple values".

multi-value date fields

you can see multi-value of replaceitemvalue page of domino designer knowledge center.

to accomplish same notesdominoapi (in ssjs), we'll need to:

  1. get handle on notesitem (the field, i'll create)
  2. create our values put in field (i'll create couple using session.createdatetime)
  3. add these values java.util.vector, interpreted multi-value (you should able use ssjs array, if prefer)
  4. set values field

sample code (i ran in onclick event of xp:button):

//create new doc var tmpdoc:notesdocument = database.createdocument(); //give form tmpdoc.replaceitemvalue("form","multidatefieldform");  //create notesitem var itm:notesitem = tmpdoc.replaceitemvalue("datefieldname",new java.util.vector());  //create vector, our multi-value container var vec:java.util.vector = new java.util.vector();  //create couple notesdatetime values store var first = session.createdatetime(new date()); vec.add(first); var second = session.createdatetime("tomorrow"); vec.add(second);  //save values item itm.setvalues(vec);  //save tmpdoc.save();  //recycle! first.recycle(); second.recylce(); itm.recycle(); tmpdoc.recylce(); 

[edit] frantisek kossuth points out in comments, sure recycle notesdomino api objects (especially date/time ones). i've updated code reflect this. [/edit]

checking form-based view after running, i'm giving (field properties reflect multi-value field of date/time values; 2 shots ran out of box).

first shot of new doc, multi-value datetime field second shot, shows second value separate value in "time/date list or range"


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