objective c - save UIImage to disk with simulator ios 8 doesn't work -

the following code works great on ios < 8 doesn't work xcode 6.1.1 , ios 8 device simulator

nsdata *imagedata = uiimagepngrepresentation(sharesnapshot); [imagedata writetofile:@"/users/myuser/desktop/123.png" atomically:yes]; 

does know if simulator issue don't have real device ios8 check on.

so you're running permission issue here. i'm not sure why worked before 8.0, i'm seeing (something changed):

the operation couldn't completed. (cocoa error 513)


as stands, you'll run problems when running on actual device. better way handle save data application's document directory.

  1. fetch directory path via nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(nsdocumentdirectory, nsuserdomainmask, yes)
  2. append filename using stringbyappendingpathcomponent

you can verify it's saving visiting simulators application directory:

  • /users/user/library/developer/coresimulator/devices//documents/


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