How to iterate through a list of modules and call their methods in Python 3 -

goal: ability drop files "modules" folder & call common set of methods/vars each file.

should modules initialized static classes if of modules have common methods/vars?

my project folder tree:

/client      /modules 

client file:

from client.modules import __all__ modulestrings  (get list of "modules" "modulestrings") # how write function?  # initialize modules dynamically module in modules:     if (hasattr(module, 'init')):         print(module.__name__)         print("has initialize method!")         module.init()  # call do_stuff method in each module module in modules:     if (hasattr(module, 'do_stuff')):         print("has do_stuff method!")         module.do_stuff() 

modules file:

# stores list of module string names in __all__ import os import glob files = glob.glob(os.path.dirname(__file__)+"/*.py") __all__ = [ os.path.basename(f)[:-3] f in files if "__init__" not in f] 

you may use native python "imp" module (

assuming same project tree:

/client  /modules 

client file:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python  import modules.__init__ #here generate modules.__init__.__load_all__() 

modules file:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python  import imp,os  def __load_all__(dir="modules"):     list_modules=os.listdir(dir)     list_modules.remove('')     module_name in list_modules:         if module_name.split('.')[-1]=='py':             print "load module ' ",module_name,"' :"             foo = imp.load_source('module', dir+os.sep+module_name)             foo.myclass() 

and finally

modules (,,, etc...) file:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python  def __init__():     print "load"  def myclass():     print "myclass spam,bar,foo, etc..." 

when running client "" , iterate through modules , initialize them dynamically.

best regards


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