c# - How can I retrieve AppSettings configuration back in Asp.Net MVC 6? -

assuming using new depencyinjection framework configure classes , dependencies in new asp.net/vnext.

how can use, how can pre-defined configuration settings?

    public void configureservices(iservicecollection services)     {         // add application settings services container.         services.configure<appsettings>(configuration.getsubkey("appsettings"));          // add ef services services container.         services.addentityframework()             .addsqlserver()             .adddbcontext<applicationdbcontext>(options =>                 options.usesqlserver(configuration["data:defaultconnection:connectionstring"]));         // add identity services services container.         services.addidentity<applicationuser, identityrole>()             .addentityframeworkstores<applicationdbcontext>()             .adddefaulttokenproviders();          // configure options authentication middleware.         // can add options google, twitter , other middleware shown below.         // more information see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=532715         services.configure<facebookauthenticationoptions>(options =>         {             options.appid = configuration["authentication:facebook:appid"];             options.appsecret = configuration["authentication:facebook:appsecret"];         });          services.configure<microsoftaccountauthenticationoptions>(options =>         {             options.clientid = configuration["authentication:microsoftaccount:clientid"];             options.clientsecret = configuration["authentication:microsoftaccount:clientsecret"];         });          // add mvc services services container.         services.addmvc();          services.addsingleton(a =>         {             //appsettings settingsmodel = ?? //get configuration settings filled               // technical artifice retrieve current settings             //var settingsmodel = new appsettings();             //var config = configuration.getsubkey("appsettings");             //foreach (var item in typeof(appsettings).getproperties().where(b => b.canwrite))             {                 //item.setvalue(settingsmodel, config.get(item.name));             }              return new fooservice(settingsmodel);         });          //uncomment following line add web api services makes easier port web api 2 controllers.         //you need add microsoft.aspnet.mvc.webapicompatshim package 'dependencies' section of project.json.         services.addwebapiconventions();     } 

you can appsettings in fooservice injecting ioptions<appsettings> di service in it's constructor.

the ioptions<> interface part of called options model used accessing poco style settings(ex: appsettings) across application. calls services.configure<appsettings>( , services.configure<facebookauthenticationoptions>(options => in above example, register di services in turn used di service called optionsmanager when resolving requests ioptions<>.


public class fooservice {     private readonly appsettings _settings;      public fooservice(ioptions<appsettings> options)     {         _settings = options.options;     }      ....     .... } 


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