jpa - Self referencing @OneToMany -

i have following class

@entity public class comment extends base {  @manytoone(cascade = cascadetype.all, fetch = fetchtype.eager) private comment inreplyto;  @onetomany(mappedby = "inreplyto", cascade = cascadetype.all, fetch = fetchtype.eager) private collection<comment> replies;  public comment() { }  public collection<comment> getreplies() {     return replies; }  public void setreplies(collection<comment> comments) {     this.replies = comments; }  public comment getinreplyto() {     return inreplyto; }  public void setinreplyto(comment inreplyto) {     this.inreplyto = inreplyto; }  } 

adding new comment , setting inreplyto works , comment saved db. inreplyto comment has replies field null.

also doing

c.setreplies(new arraylist<comment>()); c.getreplies().add(x);; 

results in error incompatible type requested field "comment.replies" : java.util.collection should java.util.collection 

any idea?

you should set both parts of relationship:

c.setreplies(new arraylist<comment>()); c.getreplies().add(x); c.setinreplyto(x);//this imporant; 

if not work, bug in datanucleus: try report , put link somewhere here.


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