jquery - Javascript - how to tell the video element to stop playing the video at xyz duration? -
i have content in french, nederland, english (on same topic example: "global warming" )
but in 1 large file, how can tell video element please play duration 00:00:00 till 00:05:00 not play whole 02:00:00 ?
function video_play_onetime_withcut(input) { $('#mediaplayer').prop('loop', false); $('#mediaplayer').attr('src', filename).show(); mediaplay_video= document.getelementbyid('mediaplayer'); mediaplay_video.play(); mediaplay_video.onended = function(e) { console.log('>>> playing finished: ', e); }; }
use timeupdate
mediaplay_video.ontimeupdate = function(event) { if( mediaplay_video.currenttime === 5 * 60 ) { mediaplay_video.pause(); // don't stop player multiple times if user // wants see whole thing... mediaplay_video.ontimeupdate = false; // whatever want. } };
if plan hide player afterwards, can use this:
mediaplay_video.ontimeupdate = function(event) { if( mediaplay_video.currenttime >= 5 * 60 ) { mediaplay_video.pause(); // @todo: remove player element... } };
more information can found here.
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