java - Simple application with Spring+Hibernate using annotation and repository -
i want create app use spring annotation configure beans , spring jparepository don't need create queries database. moment have created entity:
@entity public class executor extends abstractentity { private string company; private string responsible; private string supervisor; public executor() { } public executor(string company, string responsible, string supervisor) { = company; this.responsible = responsible; this.supervisor = supervisor; } ... getters , setters...
also have created repository:
public interface executorrepository extends jparepository<executor, integer> { public list<executor> findbycompany(string company); public list<executor> findbyresponsible(string responsible); public list<executor> findbysupervisor(string supervisor); }
the service:
public class executorservice { @autowired private executorrepository repository; @transactional public executor create(executor calibration) { return; } @transactional(rollbackfor = calibrationnotfound.class) public executor delete(int id) throws executornotfound { executor deleted = repository.findone(id); if (deleted == null) { throw new executornotfound(); } repository.delete(deleted); return deleted; } @transactional public list<executor> findall() { return repository.findall(); } }
i have used annotation configure beans:
// informa que é uma classe que define beans. @configuration // cria o bean para o environment. @propertysource("classpath:configuration/") @enabletransactionmanagement @enablejparepositories("com.metrum.persistence.repository") @componentscan("com.metrum.persistence") public class applicationconfig { /** * representa o ambiente da aplicação. modela profiles e propriedades. * suas propriedades são carregadas através da anotação \@propertysource. */ @autowired private environment env; /** * produz um bean para datasource. * * o datasource carrega informações sobre o banco de dados e permite gerar * conexões com este. * * @return datasource */ @bean public datasource datasource() { drivermanagerdatasource datasource = new drivermanagerdatasource(); datasource.setdriverclassname(env.getrequiredproperty("db.driver")); datasource.seturl(env.getrequiredproperty("db.url")); datasource.setusername(env.getrequiredproperty("db.username")); datasource.setpassword(env.getrequiredproperty("db.password")); return datasource; } /** * cria e retorna um bean para entitymanagerfactory. * * uma entitymanagerfactory cria entitymanagers para o mesmo banco de dados, * com mesmas configurações. uma entitymanager permite acessar o banco de * dados em busca de entities. * * @return entitymanagerfactorybean. */ @bean public localcontainerentitymanagerfactorybean entitymanagerfactory() { localcontainerentitymanagerfactorybean entitymanagerfactorybean = new localcontainerentitymanagerfactorybean(); entitymanagerfactorybean.setdatasource(datasource()); entitymanagerfactorybean.setpersistenceproviderclass(hibernatepersistenceprovider.class); entitymanagerfactorybean.setpackagestoscan(env.getrequiredproperty("")); entitymanagerfactorybean.setjpaproperties(gethibernateproperties()); return entitymanagerfactorybean; } /** * retorna propriedades orm hibernate. */ private properties gethibernateproperties() { properties properties = new properties(); properties.put("hibernate.dialect", env.getrequiredproperty("hibernate.dialect")); properties.put("hibernate.show_sql", env.getrequiredproperty("hibernate.show_sql")); return properties; } /** * bean para criação de uma jpatransactionmanager, * implementação spring para o transações jpa. * * @return jpatransactionmanager */ @bean public platformtransactionmanager transactionmanager() { final jpatransactionmanager transactionmanager = new jpatransactionmanager(); transactionmanager.setentitymanagerfactory(entitymanagerfactory().getobject()); return transactionmanager; } }
and application main:
public class application { @autowired private executorservice service; public static void main(string[] args) { annotationconfigapplicationcontext ctx = new annotationconfigapplicationcontext(); ctx.register(applicationconfig.class); ctx.refresh(); application app = new application(); app.test(); } public void test() { executor executor = new executor("metrum sistemas de medição", "leandro santos de lima", "levy albuquerque"); service.create(executor); }
well, thought doing ok executorservice not injected receiving nullpointerexception.
i know i'm doing wrong.
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