Moving Emails to subfolder with Powershell -
i trying write sender/subject info of emails in outlook inbox csv file , move emails subfolder of inbox (called "after") using powershell. csv file created correctly email info, first half + 1 emails moved subfolder. here code:
$olfolderinbox = 6; $outlook = new-object -com outlook.application; $mapi = $outlook.getnamespace("mapi"); $inbox = $mapi.getdefaultfolder($olfolderinbox); $inbox.items|select senderemailaddress,subject|export-csv c:\scripts\testing.csv -notypeinformation; foreach ($item in $inbox.items){ try{ $item.move($inbox.folders.item("after")) | out-null; }catch{ write-host "failed move item", $; } }
this first time using powershell appreciated!
move() changes collection. use down "for" loop (from items.count down 1) instead of "foreach".
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