javascript - Angular Custom Directives: Calling a function with arguments from within the link function -

i'm building list of clickable options filtered input, using custom directive.


<combobox      input-model="mymodel"      options="mylist"      option-label="label"     option-select="selectfn()"></combobox> 

the directive (simplified):

app.directive("combobox", function() {     return {         restrict: "e",         replace: true,         template: "<input type=‘text’ ng-model=‘inputmodel’ />" +                       "<button ng-repeat='option in options | " +                                          "filter: inputmodel’" +                               "ng-mousedown=‘optionselected(option)’" +                       ">{{option[optionlabel]}}</button>",         scope: {             inputmodel: "=",             options: "=",             optionlabel: "@",             optionselect: "&"         },         link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {             scope.optionselected  = function(option) {                 // stuff here...                 scope.optionselect();             }         }     } }) 


$scope.mylist = [     { label: "first option", value: 1 },     { label: "second option", value: 2 },     { label: "second option", value: 2 } ] $scope.selectfn() = function() {     // doing stuff here... } 

but want call selectfn properties option called it. like:




is possible? can call function in scope , pass arguments within link function?

for customization reasons, cannot use combo box library, ui-select.

you passing result of function, evaluated in parent scope, instead of function itself. can evaluate expression , execute resulting function.

so, should try this

<combobox      input-model="mymodel"      options="mylist"      option-label="label"     option-select="selectfn"> 

in markup, , in directive

    link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {         scope.optionselected  = function(option) {             // stuff here...             scope.optionselect()(option);         }     } 

notice expression in option-select="selectfn" handed isolate scope wrapped in optionselect function. when evaluate it, function want. that's why use scope.optionselect()(option)

see directive working here:


& or &attr - provides way execute expression in context of parent scope. if no attr name specified attribute name assumed same local name. given , widget definition of scope: { localfn:'&myattr' }, isolate scope property localfn point function wrapper count = count + value expression. it's desirable pass data isolated scope via expression parent scope, can done passing map of local variable names , values expression wrapper fn. example, if expression increment(amount) can specify amount value calling localfn localfn({amount: 22})


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