c++ - Ignoring Listcontrol 'DELETE_ALL_ITEMS' Event when closing application -
i have mfc listcontrol in application. have event occurs when "all items in view deleted". event throws error message , closes program.
my problem event gets called if x(close) button clicked.
here code lvn_deleteallitems event:
void users::onlvndeleteallitemslist1(nmhdr *pnmhdr, lresult *presult) { lpnmlistview pnmlv = reinterpret_cast<lpnmlistview>(pnmhdr); messagebox("the sql connection has been dropped. please restart application.","sql connection error",mb_iconstop); exit(exit_failure); *presult = 0; }
is there way keep event being called if application closed correctly (with button in top right corner)?
this normal behavior. when x button gets pressed, main window receives wm_close, , start call children destructors. when listview destructor called item cleaned up, there goes lvn_deleteallitems
the (logical) error connection db being dropped test being performed here (and abnormal exit
procedure). here listview additional tasks should performed. database connection check should handled higher in callstack: example place in code sent lvm_deleteallitems
(note lvm_deleteallitems), , triggered listview emptied.
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