java - Annotation mapping vs. XML mapping and deleting an entity -

i working migrating project pure jpa annotation based mapping xml mapping , running issue when trying delete (remove) , entity , children. works in xml mapping , not work annotation mapping.

the xml mapping looks this:

<set name="evaluations" order-by="evaldate desc" table="evaluation" lazy="true" inverse="true" cascade="delete">     <key column="requestid" />     <one-to-many class="org.stuff.model.evaluation" /> </set> 

the annotation mapping, far can tell this:

@onetomany(orphanremoval=true) @joincolumn(name = "requestid") @orderby("evaldate desc") private set<evaluation> evaluations = new treeset<>(); 

this uni-directional relationship.

the jpa code delete entity is:

servicerequest sr = em.getreference(servicerequest.class, id); em.remove(sr); 

where above evaluation child object of servicerequest. hibernate 4.3.7 jpa impl using, running on wildfly 8.2.

with hibernate set barf out sql, executing remove annotation mapping in place hibernate produces query entity reference , when remove called produce update trying update child record in evaluation fk servicerequest null:

hibernate: update evaluation set requestid=null requestid=? 

and blows because there not null constraint on requestid.

if same operation using xml mapping (see above snippet) works fine. child entities deleted along parent. , hibernate produces selects , deletes, if never tries update anything.

this feels have annotation mapping wrong, cannot figure went wrong. please help.

you xml config says relationship between servicerequest , set bi-directional because inverse = "true".

but jpa annotation uni-directional. should work (edited after op's comment)

@onetomany(orphanremoval=true,mappedby="requestid") @orderby("evaldate desc") private set<evaluation> evaluations = new treeset<>(); 

here mappedby="requestid"tells hibernate owner side of relationship. issue statement remove evaluation.


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