three.js - Transparent object behind outline object -

i have outlined object.

enter image description here

behind want draw transparent object. problem outline blends transparent object.

enter image description here

how can draw outline doesn't blended?

# plane geo1 = new three.planegeometry 500, 500 mat1 = new three.meshphongmaterial({color: 0x00ff00, transparent: true, opacity: 0.5}) plane = new three.mesh geo1, mat1 plane.position.z = -100 scene.add plane  # shaded model torusknotgeo = new three.torusknotgeometry 50, 10, 128, 16 phongmat2 = new three.meshphongmaterial 0xffffff torusknot = new three.mesh torusknotgeo, phongmat2 scene.add torusknot  # outline uniforms = offset:     type: "f"     value: 2 shader = shader['outline'] shadermat = new three.shadermaterial     uniforms: uniforms,     vertexshader: shader.vertex_shader,     fragmentshader: shader.fragment_shader, torusknotoutline = new three.mesh torusknotgeo, shadermat torusknotoutline.material.depthwrite = false outscene.add torusknotoutline 

jsfiddle (based on

i cannot comment (not enough rep), post answer.

you took example original js fiddle: , removed composer. composer ads few operations in rendering process.

composer.addpass normal composer.addpass mask composer.addpass outline composer.addpass clearmask composer.addpass copypass 
  • first renders object scene, outline scene , mask scene.
  • then makes mask onto renders outline, , clears mask. part creates outline , important step make. why? because if take code , add object, see outline obscured both objects. happens regardles if second object in front or in of scene, sure don't want happen. example:
  • lastly copies outline over rendered scene.

my advice fork original example , keep composer intact. in case don't work, remember include following scripts original example. if of these go missing in action have broken composer, means page won't render.

  • shaderpass.js
  • renderpass.js
  • maskpass.js
  • effectcomposer.js
  • copyshader.js
  • additiveblendshader.js


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