java - I am having issues with a basic contact manager that I am creating. -

i having problems bit of code. first thing did created arrays, these arrays hold information each contact, building basic contact manager. main method calls menu method start sequence. @ menu, user has choice of want do. whichever choice choose determined number enter on keyboard. in turn, activate different method.

the problems having follows:

  1. after pressing "1" view contacts, computer either spits out 100 nulls or 100 repeats of whatever last inputted in "2", add contacts.

  2. although yes want menu repeat after action has taken place, instantaneously. example, repeats happen after push "1" goes straight main menu, , difficult read way.

import; import java.util.scanner;   ``public class mainhub {  // global variables needed static string[] name = new string[100]; static string[] number = new string[100]; static string[] email = new string[100]; static string[] address = new string[100]; static string[] birthday = new string[100]; static string[] nickname = new string[100]; static int x; public static int counter = 0; static scanner in = new scanner(;   public static void main (string[] args) throws ioexception{      menu(); // call menu method start program  }  //holds information menu public static void menu() throws ioexception{     int choice = -1; //start @ -1 not compete index number       while (choice != 7){ //while loop choice user          //telling user is, simple output message         system.out.println("\t main menu\n");         system.out.println("enter corrosponding number want do.\n");         system.out.println("1.view contacts\n2.add contact\n3.edit contact\n4.delete contact\ contact list\n6.load contact list\n7.exit");          choice = integer.valueof(in.nextline()).intvalue(); //this allows user input read , used make choice          switch(choice){             case 1: viewallcontacts(); //if user inputs 1, call method view contacts                     break; //stop loop             case 2: addcontact(); //if user inputs 2, call method add contact                     break; //stop loop             case 3: editcontact(); // if user inputs 3, call method view contacts , choose 1 edit                     break; //stop loop             case 4: deletecontact(); // if user inputs 4, call method view contacts , choose 1 delete                     break; //stop loop             case 5: savecontact(); // if user inputs 5, call method save current contact list text file                     break; //stop loop             case 6: loadcontact(); // if user inputs 6, call method load text file input contacts array                     break; //stop loop             case 7: system.out.println("you exiting"); // if user inputs 7, tell user leaving                     break; //stops loop                 default: system.out.println("that not 1 of options."); // if user doesn't input 1 of above numbers, tell user not option         }     } }   //holds information, once called upon user able see contacts public static void viewallcontacts(){       while(counter<100){ //while counter has less 101 print out full list of contacts          if(counter>0){ //if counter greater 0 print list of contacts      system.out.println("full name: " +name[x]);     system.out.println("number: " +number[x]);     system.out.println("e-mail address: " +email[x]);     system.out.println("home address: " +address[x]);     system.out.println("birthday: " +birthday[x]);     system.out.println("nickname: " +nickname[x]);     system.out.println(" "); //space way contact list bit prettier       counter++;      }else{         system.out.println("there no contacts in list yet."); //else tell user there no contacts     } }  }  //lets user add contact , information public static void addcontact() throws ioexception{      //as long counter less 101 can add contacts        if(counter<100){            system.out.println("enter contact's full name: "); //allows user add name contact         name[x] = in.nextline(); //whatever typed added name variable          system.out.println("enter contact's number: "); //allows user add number contact         number[x] = in.nextline(); //whatever typed added number variable          system.out.println("enter contact's e-mail address: "); //allows user add e-mail address contact         email[x] = in.nextline(); //whatever typed added email variable          system.out.println("enter contact's home address: "); //allows user add home address contact          address[x] = in.nextline(); //whatever typed added address variable          system.out.println("enter contact's birthday: "); //allows user add birthday contact         birthday[x] = in.nextline(); //whatever typed added birthday variable          system.out.println("enter contact's nickname: "); //allows user add nickname contact         nickname[x] = in.nextline(); //whatever typed added nickname variable          counter++; //adds 1 counter allow space next contact in arrays       }else{         system.out.println("sorry, contact list full."); //if counter 101 print contact list full     }      system.out.println("your contact has been added"); } 

the problem using x index of array, x never being incremented.

as incrementing counter


system.out.println("full name: " +name[counter]); 

likewise adding contact

sort out indexes.


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