c# - text file stream reader in windows xp reads only limited number of lines -
i have visual basic (even c# nice) app reads text file containing 16000 lines web converts them string array. works on windows 7 , later , lines read. on windows xp, in odd way 5694 lines of file read , line after neglected
private sub buildwordlist() try dim reader streamreader = new streamreader(client.openread("www.example.com/myfile.txt")) dim line string = "" dim mycounter integer = 0 using myreader new microsoft.visualbasic. fileio.textfieldparser(reader) myreader.textfieldtype = fileio.fieldtype.delimited myreader.setdelimiters("|") dim currentrow string() while not myreader.endofdata mycounter = mycounter + 1 currentrow = myreader.readfields() integer = 1 100 if currentrow(0).tostring() = i.tostring() maglist(i).add(currentrow(1).tostring()) end if next end while msgbox(mycounter) end using catch ex webexception msgbox("not internet") application.exit() end try end sub
p.s. created mycounter know how many lines read in both xp , 7, in win 7 16000 lines read , in win xp mentioned 5694 lines read
i don't know if limit in windows xp or what, please !!
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