c# - Combobox value (binded with an enum) in an instance -

good day lads!

i've got question.

i think i'll saving loads of text if see form, here go!


private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e) {     /*     held h1 = new held("tank", lanes.top);     held h2 = new held("adc", lanes.bot);     held h3 = new held("support", lanes.bot);     listbox1.items.add(h1);     listbox1.items.add(h2);     listbox1.items.add(h3);     */      //data koppelen     cbrol.datasource = enum.getvalues(typeof(lanes)); }  private void btnaanmaken_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     int getal;      if (checkemptyfields())     {         messagebox.show("vul alle velden in!");     }     else     {         if (checkmovementspeedisint(out getal))         {             string naamhero = tbnaamhero.text;             lanes lane = ???             int mspeedhero = getal;             held nieuwheld = new held(naamhero, lane, getal);         }     } }  private bool checkmovementspeedisint(out int getal) {     return int32.tryparse(tbmovespeed.text, out getal); }  private bool checkemptyfields() {     return tbnaamhero.text == null || tbmovespeed.text == null || cbrol.selecteditem == null; } 


class held {     private string naam;     private lanes lane;     int mspeed;      public held(string anaam, lanes alane, int amspeed)     {         this.naam = anaam;         this.lane = alane;         this.mspeed = amspeed;     }      public override string tostring()      {         return this.naam + " " + this.lane.tostring();     }  } 



enum lanes {     top,     mid,     bot,     jungle } 

alright! can see have combined enum combobox. i'd put selected value (when user has pressed button "aanmaken/create") in instance.

how able convert object (from combobox) type (lanes)?

if haven't clarified enough, give me heads up!

ps: "???" in code place i'm not sure put since that's question hehe.

just use following:

lanes lane = (lanes)cbrol.selectedindex; 

this works due enum typeof int, top 0, , on...


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