Read java Byte from PHP -
i have java application send compressed image on network. each pixel value converted new byte type. problem don't know how correctly decode thos byte php.
here java compression:
public byte[] compressedimage(bufferedimage img, int color_type) { if ((img.gettype() != 2) && (img.gettype() != 1)) { throw new runtimeexception("image format not supported"); } int sizex = img.getwidth(); // 640px int sizey = img.getheight(); // 80px vector compresseddata = new vector(sizey * (1 + 3 * sizex) + 1); databuffer data = img.getraster().getdatabuffer(); int count = 0; int nextpix = 0; int ptr = 0; (int y = 0; y < sizey; y++) { compresseddata.add(new byte((byte)-128)); int currpix = data.getelem(ptr++); int x = 1; do{ if (x < sizex) { nextpix = data.getelem(ptr++); if ((nextpix == currpix) && (count < 63)) { count++; continue; } } int color_r = (currpix & 0xff0000) >> 16; int color_g = (currpix & 0xff00) >> 8; int color_b = currpix & 0xff; compresseddata.add(new byte((byte)((color_r & 0xff) >> 1))); compresseddata.add(new byte((byte)((color_g & 0xff) >> 1))); compresseddata.add(new byte((byte)((color_b & 0xff) >> 1))); if (count != 0) { compresseddata.add(new byte((byte)(0xffffffc0 | count))); } count = 0; currpix = nextpix; } while (x++ < sizex); } byte[] result = new byte[compresseddata.size()]; enumeration e = compresseddata.elements(); int = 0; while (e.hasmoreelements()) { result[(i++)] = ((byte)e.nextelement()).bytevalue(); } return result; }
using wireshark software have been able capture packet full image stored in file "scalio.bin"
now try read scalio.bin file php in order recreate image. know each -128 value means new line know should able 4 values: r, g, b , count.
i tried play unpack() , sprintf() without real success:
$filename = "scalio.bin"; $handle = fopen($filename, "rb"); $content = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); /* method 1 */ ($i=0; $i<strlen($content); $i++){ $v = sprintf("%d", bin2hex($content[$i])); if(hexdec($v) == 128) { $line++; } else { $imgarray[$line][] = hexdec($v); } } echo "<pre>"; print_r($imgarray); echo "</pre>"; /* method 2 */ $data = unpack("c*", $content); foreach($data $val){ switch($val){ case -128: $line++; break; default: $imgarray[$line][] = $val; } } for($i=0; $i<sizeof($imgarray); $i++){ $imgarray[$i] = array_chunk($imgarray[$i], 4); } echo "<pre>"; print_r($imgarray); echo "</pre>";
i have read byte type limited -128 127 expect value -128 127 in php code, hexadecimal value, or char, or large number 4294967252
i've found 'count' variable need xor reverted (i.e somethnig $val ^ 0xffffffc0 r, g, b value need shift ($val & 0xff) << 1
finally question is: how decode .bin file plenty of java byte value php ?
finally got ! i'm not happy performance. idea how optimize code ?
<?php $filename = "scalio.bin"; $handle = fopen($filename, "rb"); $content = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); $line=-1; $imgarray=array(); $arr=array("r", "g", "b"); $color=-1; function getnextcolor(){ global $arr, $color; if($color > 1) $color = -1; $color++; return $arr[$color]; } $pix=-1; ($i=0; $i<strlen($content); $i++){ $buf = bin2hex($content[$i]); $dec = hexdec($buf); $bytes = (($dec+128)%256) -128; if($bytes == -128){ $line++; $pix=-1; }elseif($bytes < 0){ $b = substr(decbin($bytes), -8); $imgarray[$line][$pix]['count'] = (bindec($b) ^ 0xc0) + 1; }else{ $col = getnextcolor(); $b = ($bytes & 0xff) << 1; if($col == "r") $pix++; $imgarray[$line][$pix][$col] = $b; } } $sizex = 640; $sizey = 80; $gd = imagecreatetruecolor($sizex, $sizey); $imgarraytrue=array(); foreach($imgarray $lineindex=>$line){ foreach($line $pixelindex=>$pixel){ if( array_key_exists('count', $pixel) ){ for($x=0; $x<$pixel['count']; $x++){ $imgarraytrue[$lineindex][] = array("r"=>$pixel['r'], "g"=>$pixel['g'], "b"=>$pixel['b']); } }else{ $imgarraytrue[$lineindex][] = $pixel; } } } foreach($imgarraytrue $lineindex=>$line){ foreach($line $pixelindex=>$pixel){ $color = imagecolorallocate($gd, $pixel['r'], $pixel['g'], $pixel['b']); imagesetpixel($gd, $pixelindex, $lineindex, $color); } } header('content-type: image/gif'); imagegif($gd); ?>
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