c - Low Level IO with Crypt -
i trying compare encrypted string taken each line of file aaaa-zzzz until finds match of password. guaranteed user password of 4 characters. trying take in file using lowlevel io , output new file decrypted passwords of each line. not best @ c programming yet please gentle. need direction on how create array or list going aaaa way zzzz , comparing each decrypted version of file line.
- how decrypt file line line , save char []
- how compare each line char [] until password found
for example:
if line $1$6gmkiope$i.zkp2evrxhdmapzyov.b. , next line $1$pkmkicve$wqfqztnmcqr7fqsnq7k2p0. assuming resulting password after decryption absz , taze new file result absz on first line , taze second line.
this have far:
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> void pdie(const char *); void die(const char *); #define buffer_size 1024 int main(void) { char *pass; int rfd; int wfd; char buffer[buffer_size]; char *bp; int bufferchars; int writtenchars; if ((rfd = open("pass.txt", o_rdonly, 0)) < 0) pdie("open failed"); if ((wfd = open("passout.txt", o_wronly | o_creat | o_trunc, s_irusr | s_iwusr | s_irgrp | s_iroth)) < 0) pdie("open failed"); while (1) { if ((bufferchars = read(rfd, buffer, buffer_size)) > 0) { printf("%s", buffer); bp = buffer; pass = crypt(getpass(all(4,4,'a','z')), *bp); printf(pass); while (bufferchars > 0) { if ((writtenchars = write(wfd, bp, bufferchars)) < 0) pdie("write failed"); bufferchars -= writtenchars; bp += writtenchars; } } else if (bufferchars == 0) break; else pdie("read failed"); } close(rfd); close(wfd); return 0; } void pdie(const char *mesg) { perror(mesg); exit(1); } void die(const char *mesg) { fputs(mesg, stderr); fputc('\n', stderr); exit(1); } int inc(char *c,char begin, char end){ if(c[0]==0) return 0; if(c[0] == end){ // make algorithm stop @ char 'f' c[0]=begin; // can put other char return inc(c+sizeof(char), begin, end); } c[0]++; return 1; } int all(int a, int n,char begin, char end){ int i,j; char *c = malloc((n+1)*sizeof(char)); for(i=a;i<=n;i++){ for(j=0;j<i;j++) c[j]=begin; c[i]=0; { printf("%s\n",c); } while(inc(c,begin,end)); } free(c); }
here file:
$1$6gmkiope$i.zkp2evrxhdmapzyov.b. $1$pkmkicve$wqfqztnmcqr7fqsnq7k2p0 $1$0lmkiuve$7monlu6rz/cufrbidk7pk.
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