sql server - Stored procedure with dynamic query "Error" -

what wrong code getting error while executing application

msg 156, level 15, state 1, line 11 incorrect syntax near keyword 'and'.

and here code. appreciated.

alter procedure [dbo].[usp_reportlist]             @paccounttype varchar(35)=null,     @pfromdate datetime=null,     @ptodate datetime=null,     @paccountid int=null,     @puserid int=null,     @pteamid int=null  begin set nocount on; declare @strsql nvarchar(4000) set @strsql =' select           orderinfoid,         borrowerfirstname,         borrowerlastname,          requestedurl,         requests,         customeruserid lenderid ,         o.requestipaddress originatingipaddress,          o.requests status orderinfo o '  if(@paccounttype = 'lender')     begin     set @strsql += 'inner join [user] u on o.customeruserid = u.uid 1=1' end  else if(@paccounttype = 'affiliate')     begin     set @strsql += 'inner join [user] u on o.affiliateid = u.uid 1=1' end  if(@pfromdate != '')     begin     set @strsql += ' , o.requestdatetime >= ''' + convert(varchar(25),@pfromdate) +  '''' end  if(@ptodate != '')     begin     set @strsql += ' , o.requestdatetime <= ''' + convert(varchar(25),@ptodate) + '''' end  if(@paccountid != '')     begin     set @strsql += ' , u.uid in ( select uid [user] accountid = ' + convert(varchar(10),@paccountid) + ') ' end  if(@puserid !='')     begin     set @strsql += ' , u.userid = ' + convert(varchar(10),@puserid) + ' ' end  if(@pteamid !='')     begin     set @strsql += ' , u.teamid = ' + convert(varchar(10),@pteamid) + ' ' end   set @strsql += ' group      orderinfoid,     borrowerfirstname,     borrowerlastname,      requestedurl,     requests,     customeruserid,     o.requestipaddress,      o.requests'  exec (@strsql)  --print (@strsql) end     exec usp_reportlist 'lender','2015-06-01 00:00:00','2015-06-02 00:00:00','2','1' 

here's profilers genereated query

exec sp_executesql n'exec usp_reportlist @paccounttype,@pfromdate,@ptodate,@paccountid,@puserid,@pteamid',n'@paccounttype nvarchar(1),@pfromdate datetime,@ptodate datetime,@paccountid int,@puserid int,@pteamid int',@paccounttype=n'1',@pfromdate='2015-06-01 00:00:00',@ptodate='2015-06-02 00:00:00',@paccountid=1,@puserid=2,@pteamid=2 

getting error

msg 156, level 15, state 1, line 11 incorrect syntax near keyword 'and'.

can not able figure out actual problem

the generated statement using print (@strsql)

select           orderinfoid,         borrowerfirstname,         borrowerlastname,          requestedurl,         requests,         customeruserid lenderid ,         o.requestipaddress originatingipaddress,          o.requests status orderinfo o  , o.requestdatetime >= 'jun  1 2015 12:00am' , o.requestdatetime <= 'jun  1 2015 12:00am' , u.uid in ( select uid [user] accountid = 2)  , u.userid = 5  , u.teamid = 5  group      orderinfoid,     borrowerfirstname,     borrowerlastname,      requestedurl,     requests,     customeruserid,     o.requestipaddress,      o.requests 

i think want append parameters query, below. dates , strings need put them inside single quotes '2014-01-01'

if(@pfromdate != '') begin     set @strsql += ' , o.requestdatetime >= ''' +  @pfromdate + '''' end 

note: i'm not positive have quoting correct make sure date inside single quotes. print out sql statement make sure looks correct before executing.


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