Powershell find common strings varying number of arrays -

question follow powershell find common string in multiple files

following powershell code

  1. goes through directory

  2. for each file, extract ip addresses , store in multi-dimensional array $match

  3. after iteration, go through each element in multi-dimensional array , split space, , store multi-dimensional array $j

i able find intersection between $j[0] , $j[1], i'm not sure how iteratively, on elements of $j, array of ip address arrays.

see code

$i = $null $match = @() $j = @() $input_path = $null $output_file = "d:\script\common.txt"  $directory = "d:\script\files" $regex = ‘\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b’  get-childitem $directory | foreach-object{      $input_path = $directory + "\" + $_.name     write-host $input_path     $match += ,@(select-string -path $input_path -pattern $regex -allmatches | % { $_.matches } | % { $_.value }) }    foreach ($i in $match){     $j += ,@($i.split(" ")) }  $j[0] | sort | select -unique | {$j[1] -contains $_} | select -unique > $output_file 

this easy. have two-dimensional array $j , want find strings exist in elements of $j. create temporary "total intersection" array out of $j[0] run foreach on $j , create intersection temporary. @ end it'll contain elements of columns contain.

# $j two-dimensional, , has unique elements $t=$j[0] $j | % {     $i=$_ #rename avoid confusion     if ($i -ne $j[0]) { $t = $t|where {$i -contains $_}} } # $t has intersection 


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