Java label irregularity (possible bug?) -
if @ java standard §14.7, see statements may have label prefixes, e.g.:
identifier : statement
in theory, label should able label succeeding statement. so, example, following compiles accordingly:
public class test { public static void main(string[] args) { hello: return; } }
intuitively, compiles:
public class test { int i; public static void main(string[] args) { test t = new test(); label: t.i = 2; } }
but following not compile:
public class test { public static void main(string[] args) { oops: int k = 3; } }
even though (note scoped brackets):
public class test { public static void main(string[] args) { oops: { int k = 3; } } }
so question hinges on whether or not declarations statements. according standard (and online documentation):
in addition expression statements, there 2 other kinds of statements: declaration statements , control flow statements. declaration statement declares variable.
i've noticed behavior in java 7 , 8 on both osx windows. bug or misunderstanding standard?
the expression
int k = 3;
is local variable declaration statement.
the statement
used in syntax of label statement
does not contain local variable declaration statements. therefore can't use them within labeled statement directly.
local variable declaration statements can used within blocks can used within labeled statements.
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