mvc - How to create a static dropdown in Razor syntax? -
after hours of looking on google , stack overflow, can not find 1 bloody example of how build totally brain dead simple dropdown list not come database. honestly, having hard time getting head around mvc. can please show me how create this:
<select name="foobardropdown" id="foobardropdown"> <option value="option1" selected>this option 1</option> <option value="option2">this option 2</option> <option value="option3">this option 3</option> </select>
using this:
i looking all-in-one-line solution... in view. having devil of time syntax.
i think looking for. best though refactor list construction view model or in controller.
@html.dropdownlist("foobardropdown", new list<selectlistitem> { new selectlistitem{ text="option 1", value = "1" }, new selectlistitem{ text="option 2", value = "2" }, new selectlistitem{ text="option 3", value = "3" }, })
an example of placing in controller might this:
public actionresult exampleview() { var list = new list<selectlistitem> { new selectlistitem{ text="option 1", value = "1" }, new selectlistitem{ text="option 2", value = "2" }, new selectlistitem{ text="option 3", value = "3", selected = true }, }); viewdata["foorbarlist"] = list; return view(); }
and in view:
@html.dropdownlist("foobardropdown", viewdata["list"] list<selectlistitem>)
if static list might have reuse in other views / controllers, consider putting logic static class of sorts. example:
public static class dropdownlistutility { public static ienumerable<selectlistitem> getfoobardropdown(object selectedvalue) { return new list<selectlistitem> { new selectlistitem{ text="option 1", value = "1", selected = "1" == selectedvalue.tostring()}, new selectlistitem{ text="option 2", value = "2", selected = "2" == selectedvalue.tostring()}, new selectlistitem{ text="option 3", value = "3", selected = "3" == selectedvalue.tostring()}, }; }
which leaves few different ways of accessing list.
controller example:
public actionresult exampleview() { var list = dropdownlistutility.getfoobardropdown("2"); //select second option default; viewdata["foorbarlist"] = list; return view(); }
view example:
@html.dropdownlist("foobardropdown", dropdownlistutility.getfoobardropdown("2"))
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