Can't open an existing file in Sdcard in Android Studio -

i have code in project read audio file :


private string getfilename() {      string filepath = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().getpath();     file file = new file(filepath, audio_recorder_folder);     if (!file.exists()) {         file.mkdirs();     }     return (file.getabsolutepath() + "/" + system.currenttimemillis() + file_exts[currentformat]); }  private void startrecording() {     recorder = new mediarecorder();     recorder.setaudiosource(mediarecorder.audiosource.mic);     recorder.setoutputformat(output_formats[currentformat]);     recorder.setaudioencoder(mediarecorder.audioencoder.amr_nb);     recorder.setoutputfile(getfilename());     log.i("tag", getfilename());     listeaudio.put(indice,getfilename()); // here listeaudio     path=getfilename();     recorder.setonerrorlistener(errorlistener);     recorder.setoninfolistener(infolistener);     try {         recorder.prepare();         recorder.start();     } catch (illegalstateexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } catch (ioexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } } 


file audiofile = new file( mainactivity2activity.listeaudio.get(z));     // listeaudio return /storage/sdcard0/audiorecorder/1433288052123.mp4         uri audiouri = uri.fromfile(audiofile);     vocal = mediaplayer.create(mainactivity.this,audiouri);     vocal.start(); 

that's doesn't work , in logcat there error say: failed open file '/storage/sdcard0/audiorecorder/1433288052123.mp4'. (no such file or directory) , when search manually path in file explorer found audio file wich want play. have in androidmanifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.read_external_storage" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.write_external_storage" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.record_audio" /> 

please help.

what implementation of call mainactivity2activity.listeaudio.get(z)? try use system api access external storage.

if (environment.getexternalstoragestate().equals(             environment.media_mounted)) {     file audiofile = new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory()                 .getabsolutefile()                 + file.separator                 + "audiorecorder/1433288052123.mp4");     if (audiofile.exists()) {         mediaplayer mediaplayer = mediaplayer.create(this, uri.fromfile(audiofile));         mediaplayer.start();     } } 

// edit

    recorder.setoutputfile(getfilename());     log.i("tag", getfilename());     listeaudio.put(indice,getfilename()); // here listeaudio 

the file path write , file path save not same file, getfilename() return unique file path every time called.

change this, if want use current milliseconds file name.

    final string filepath = getfilename();     recorder.setoutputfile(filepath);     log.i("tag", filepath);     listeaudio.put(indice, filepath); // here listeaudio 


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